How NOT to become a NY Resolution Statistic

They say 80% of people quit their New Year's resolutions by mid February.

When you made that New Year's resolution three weeks ago, I bet you promised yourself you would not be a part of that statistic.

I’ve been there before. I’ve been in that 80%.

Keeping to your goals is hard. Commitment takes work, accountability, planning, and a lot of other things that are hard to fit into our busy days.

This year, I promised myself I’d make it into that 20%.

Am I perfect? Far from it.

But even in the MOST PREGNANT of states, I’ve stuck to my resolutions for 21 days and I’m not dropping out anytime soon.

These are my best tips avoiding becoming a statistic and for actually achieving your goals this year and becoming the version of you you’re desiring to be.

Hey Busy People You NEED This.

If you’re a busy mom like me I am going to assume you have a hard time putting yourself first.  Maybe you find yourself falling off the ol’ bandwagon every now and then… (and by falling off I mean like at a really fast pace, maybe a few broken bones and the wagon takes off at like 90mph AWAY from you)

Listen I am far from judging - I’m throwing my hands up in an “AMEN SISTER.  The struggle is fricken real”