Zucchini Tortillas and this AMAZINGLY SIMPLE New Meal Plan


I’m an emotional Eater that has tried EVERY diet in the world (I even attempted an all steak and cucumber diet in college - Like WHAT?).  I am a constant work in progress BUT I have finally come to a place (thanks to the 21 Day Fix and Shift Shop) where I know HOW to properly fuel my body…


BUT with this new meal plan #2BMindset we take that and go one step deeper - WHY do we have the relationship we do with food.

This program was designed to simplify “dieting” (GOD do I hate that word) by never counting calories or cutting out foods you love - instead we outline why and where most diets fail and equipping us with simple plating ideas and tips and tricks to maintain during different life events - I’m talking overcoming cravings, HOW to grocery shop, order takeout, eat at restaurants and even TRAVEL.


2B Mindset can help YOU if YOU:

  • Failed with diets

  • Have Yo-Yo dieted

  • Struggle with junk food cravings

  • Want to lose weight but HATE to workout or are unable to exercise

  • Workout but struggle with a meal plan

  • Want a plan w/o strict rules (no cutting out food groups or calories)

  • Crave freedom and control


If any of that resonates with you let’s chat because myself and the B-Team will be diving into this program together to become the #BestME possible at the end of May! Helllllo Summer!


And for the real reason you’re all here… Zucchini Tortillas.

Now we #TacoTuesday EVERY week in this house - sometimes TWICE (don't judge) and Brian whipped these up last night and instead of having my taco over a salad I had 4 tacos (YES FOUR) and didn't have a second of regret.  They were DELICIOUS!


NOTE:  Do not bake for too long or they'll become too dry and brittle to come off w/o breaking and adversely make sure you squeeze out ALL of the water from the Zucchini to allow them to become as "firm" as possible.


  • 4 cups zucchini
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup bread crumbs
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin


  1. Pre-Heat Oven to 450F
  2. Remove as much moisture as you can from Zucchinis and add to a large mixing bowl with remainder of ingredients
  3. Cover sheets with parchment paper.  Scoop 1/4 cup onto paper into about 5" wide circles and repeat for remainder of mixture.
  4. Bake for 25 mins - or to desired brown edges and stiffness
  5. Let them cool and gently pull off paper.
  6. Enjoy!