"Told You So." Sincerely, Your Intuition

The entire Fit Mamma Crew!

The entire Fit Mamma Crew!

As I write this I am currently on a plane back to Boston and although I should be sleeping or maybe peeing alone one last time because in T-minus one hour I’ll be back in the happy chaos that is my life, BUT I simply can’t.  I am ALL fired up and have a million thoughts going around my head.  I’m talking To-Do lists, events I want to have for my team, meal plans I want to create, ideas to improve my challenge groups and MORE.

I think this is the BEST part about all LIVE , in-person coaching events BUT specifically Summit; is the fire it lights in my belly.

Before coaching I did the traditional thing.  I got the good jobs, I worked my ass off to progress through the ranks and I have been lucky in the co-worker department (for the most part ;) ) but yet I still kind of always wanted more.  

Every meeting I attended that could’ve probably been an email…

Every time traffic made me miss my train…

Every time that traffic made me miss kissing my kid goodnight…

Every time I was put into an activity that involved large pieces of paper taped to a wall…

A part of me died. (Maybe not but go with my flair for the dramatics)

We participated in a personality exercise over the weekend and I was sort of shocked about my results.  I wasn’t the outgoing, fun, creative one. I was the the hard working, self-critical, OCD-fueled perfectionist.

And upon further research the good ol' TRIANGLE is spot on. Like FREAKISHLY accurate.  

Showing Triangle Love!

Showing Triangle Love!

TRIANGLE: This form symbolizes leadership. Main ability of triangles is to focus on goals and deeply and quickly analyze situations. A Triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right in everything. Triangles find it difficult to admit their mistakes, are easy to train, and absorb information like a sponge. Their career gives their life meaning.

In any of my old-gigs these traits would sometimes turn into extra “work” because I would do my tasks, review to ensure it was the best it could be and probably even re-do it even when it was already perfect.  

Know what I loved more than nailing projects - recognition.  Is that weird to admit?  Maybe.  But I think different people are motivated by different things…

Continuing with the Triangle's definition: Negative qualities: excessive self-absorption. Triangles are very good at presenting the importance of their own work to senior management, can sense profitable business decisions from a mile away, and, struggling for success, may “knock heads” with rivals.

For me I LOVE knowing people enjoy what I did or finding out what I did was helpful.

This has NOT changed since leaving the traditional “work” world - in fact I think it maybe got worse (in a good way!)

My work ethic, which has drowned me up until this point, has given me new life.  I am constantly looking into my team, developing trainings, putting together new meal plans and just diving DEEPER into EVERY aspect of coaching AND not one single second of it has been “tedious”

And that recognition I crave - it now comes from friends and family thanking me for helping them helping them get more energy, self confidence, HAPPINESS - maybe the ability to play with their kids without running out of breath, maybe the confidence to rock a suit on the beach or maybe just the reminders that their bodies are MACHINES and need some love - WHATEVER it is.  I LIVE for these conversations.

Even though I have been coaching for 4 years I am still mystified that this opportunity even exists.  It seems too good to be true - and it’s funny because I get that question a lot… “it seems too good to be true, what’s the catch?”

And thats the thing.  There isn’t.  

I earn an income by focusing on my own health.  

I can provide for my family because I help people get healthier.  Isn’t that enough?  Yup it is, however have you ever tried to buy things at Target with “good deeds?”  Yeah exactly.

So my takeaway this year…this side job (because it IS a job, there’s no coaching money tree in my backyard) it FILLS up my cup in EVERY sense of the word

-> PURPOSE: It allows me to fill the desire to actually use my brain on the daily (remember I’m a professional SAHM and there’s only so many diapers you can change or butts you can wipe without wondering WHAT ELSE IS THERE!?) 

-> CONFIDENCE: It has given me confidence I NEVER imagined.  I have NEVER been confident in myself.  I NEVER think I’m worthy enough.  I’m talking walk into a room and immediately think everyone hates you kind of confidence.  Since incorporating personal development I am in control of these whack feelings. I also know to avoid any rooms that are filled with people who could bring up these feelings again.  At 37, I finally know my worth and I THRIVE on helping other ladies find theirs.


->RELATIONSHIPS: With confidence and purpose comes a new level of expectations of all things in your life but especially your relationships.  I am a big believer that you are the company you keep so there has been some evaluating and “re-adjusting” so to speak.  My time AND your time is valuable - and if we’re not in a build you up, support you unconditionally, shovel in hand at a moment’s notice kind of relationship we probably haven't seen each other in awhile.  And I don’t say this with ANY ILL will - I am just EXTRA careful with the energy I put into and keep around me at all times - I mean every time I leave the house it's a freaking struggle and the mom guilt is enough to drive me insane (blog post for a later date)

This life is too short to be ANYTHING but happy and to spend our hours doing anything that doesn’t set your soul on fire - and this quick 3 day trip has reminded me that although this may not be for everyone it is MOST definitely for me and I’m just proud of the OCD, crazy, traditional triangle of a self for stepping OUT of the comfort zone I have loved for a 1/3 of my life, trusting that intuition and TRYING this.

And if you’re reading this thinking “I want more too!” or maybe you’re just into living the kind of life that is fun, fulfilling, challenging (in a good way) and constantly pushing you to learn more about yourself MAYBE this is for you too?  

If not at least you’ll have some laughs and some wine along the way (obviously).

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