Hey Busy People You NEED This.

If you’re a busy mom like me I am going to assume you have a hard time putting yourself first.  Maybe find yourself falling off the ol’ bandwagon every now and then…

Look how HAPPY he is!

Look how HAPPY he is!

Listen I am far from judging - I’m throwing my hands up in an “AMEN SISTER.  The struggle is fricken real”

BUT I can promise you -  hiding behind the “I don’t have any time the kids are back in school, sports, birthday parties etc.,” “ I can’t afford a gym membership,” “I dont have any lulu” or even “I just havent found a workout I like yet” - will get you NOWHERE fast.  

It’s like you blackout and when you wake up you’re 60 in Mom jeans, on tons of meds because that’s what happens when you don’t properly fuel and take care of your body.  And you might find yourself tired ALL of the time and saying stuff like “ugh my knees are killing me” all day.

That’s not fun.  Let’s avoid that shall we?

I have found a way to get fit in my own home, on my own time and I’m saving money…

Do I have your attention?  Head to my blog to learn more:

So my secret sauce… Beachbody on Demand.  It’s the Netflix of Fitness. It is a super affordable one year subscription that allows you to stream every single Beachbody program - ALL of the programs (21 Day Fix, Shift Shop, T25, Liift4 etc. etc.) AND any new releases!

And they’ve recently given the ability to download workouts so if you’re strapped for wifi you’re still all set to stream away!

On top of the fitness - comes the meal plans.  THIS IS WHERE THE CHANGE HAPPENS. As someone who has always “known” what to eat - I didn’t know shit.  These meal plans are SO easy to follow - shopping lists, recipes etc.

So let’s get to the meat and potatoes (those are allowed too!)

Reasons why BOD is THE best fitness solution for busy moms -

AND busy people in general.

  1. You’re in the comfort of your own home. No tinted moisturizer, no matching clothes - NADA.  Only requirement is a few feet of space and maybe some equipment depending upon program.

  2. The commute.  As someone who used to be a regular at 6am classes at the gym.  THIS is WAY easier. No warming up the car, just literally walk to the next room.

  3. Your on YOUR schedule.  Morning bird? Late night warrior? Awesome - mix it up. Doesn’t matter - you’re driving this bus.

  4. What you’re wearing.  You can pretend you don’t care but we ALL have outside acceptable workout wear and in the house workout wear.  SHIT you can workout in your underwear - I’ve done it.

  5. BOD SAVES you money.  Yup. It breaks down to about $1.92 a week for unlimited use.  Less than $0.30 a day. I’ll let you do the comparison but drop in rates for classes tends to run a little higher than $0.30 and let’s not even talk about monthly memberships.

  6. Childcare.  You don’t need it.  Add that cute little weight into your workout and show them a Mama who takes care of herself.

  7. It can be used for the entire Family.  You’re maybe a yoga girl, but Hubs wants to pick things up and put them down - we got that!  And maybe your high schooler wants something a little more agility. We got that too.

  8. Variety.  Ever grab a package to a new gym and just kinda fall off.  #Guilty. This is NORMAL. For me BOD saves the day - cardio? Strength? Dance? Maybe I feel like KILLING myself in cardio - Hey Shaun T.  Maybe I then need a recovery day - Hey 3 week Yoga retreat! You can hop around!

  9. You can also follow a program start to finish.  THIS is what I recommend everyone do for BEST results.  Each program is created by the pros. They take ALL the guesswork out - workout calendar, meal plan, rest day -  EVERYTHING.

  10. Nutrition: With BOD you have access to Meal Plans and recipes designed to complement every single BB program  - review the recipes online or even download and print if you’re a pen and paper girl like me! You also get access to a Clean Eating Cooking Show - an exclusive to BOD from one of our top trainers and her chef brother.  They demonstrate step by step each recipe - and include shopping lists.

Lastly - It allows ME to be a better coach.  I know what you’re thinking - this is what it does for ME, not YOU.  BUT hear me out - sometimes people commit to a group or a program and after the 21 days they fall off.  This access allows me to work with you and while we’re out there completing programs, kicking ass and taking names we can then reassess your goals, likes/dislikes and proceed to the next group!  

If you’re looking to make a REAL, GENUINE, SUSTAINABLE change - it’s a LIFESTYLE change and I can promise you the absolute HANDS down BEST part of BOD is it comes with a coach; like me.  

I will work with you on ALL of your goals and be sure you are always in a private group filled with peer support and motivated - even on the days you don’t want to - to keep going because I know for a fact JUST HOW MUCH this can change your life because someone didn’t give up on me and I will forever pay it forward.