How NOT to become a NY Resolution Statistic

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They say 80% of people quit their New Year's resolutions by mid February.

When you made that New Year's resolution three weeks ago, I bet you promised yourself you would not be a part of that statistic.

I’ve been there before. I’ve been in that 80%.

Keeping to your goals is hard. Commitment takes work, accountability, planning, and a lot of other things that are hard to fit into our busy days.

This year, I promised myself I’d make it into that 20%.

Am I perfect? Far from it.

But even in the MOST PREGNANT of states, I’ve stuck to my resolutions for 21 days and I’m not dropping out anytime soon.

These are my best tips avoiding becoming a statistic and for actually achieving your goals this year and becoming the version of you you’re desiring to be.

First, do yourself a favor and write out exactly what you want.

In my accountability bootcamps we always chat through goal setting because I want YOU to get REAL SPECIFIC.

What happens more times than not is we throw out these ideas - “I want to be healthier, and lose weight” - know what happens with broad statements? Usually… nothing.  SO we get laser focused and specific on the actions that will get us to our goal.

How about taking ^ sentence and trying “I want to be healthier and I will follow my meal plan and workout calendar for 21 days.”  That means for 3 weeks we trust the process, we CHECK OFF every day we do this and on day 22 we celebrate the shit out of your hard work!

Set reminders.

I know you’re busy. Whether you’re a mom, a business-owner, a girl girl trying to tackle the day-to-day - > OR maybe you’re all 3, you’ve got other priorities on your mind.

Being busy doesn’t mean you don’t have time to crush your goals AT ALL. It just means you have to prepare. I know that if I wait until after the kids go to bed I will lose ALL motivation or find 10 other “more important” things to do.

So I set an alarm EVERY SINGLE MORNING, reminding me to get up and get my workout in. I also set reminders for things like drinking water, eating lunch and taking my prenatal vitamins (HELLO SUPERFOOD SHAKE!).

Given the opportunity the day will get away from you EVERY SINGLE time and reminder alarms or post-it notes can be your bff.

Set yourself up for succes

I know you’ve seen the pictures on IG of people who spend all day meal prepping and eating beautifully colorful food packaged into glass containers, week over week.

I’ve told myself time and time again that meal prepping “isn’t for me.”

But in reality, that’s a cop out too. I mean first of all - WHO AM I to go with the crowd….it doesn’t have to LOOK like someone else’s plan BUT sticking to my plan is for me.

When you’re following an eating plan, there are so many things that can get in the way of your success - not preparing your meals the night before (I KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE eating out at lunch in the city is).  I also know how temping that afternoon run to Starbucks is. (and those aren’t helping your wallet or your waistline)

When I was a member at a gym, I always planned to go before work, just to discover that I “forgot my sneakers,” “my alarm didn’t go off” or God-forbid, I wore the wrong bra. I now workout from home so these excuses are null and void BUT I’d be lying if I said I didn’t occasionally procrastinate my workout as long as humanly possible and I can also get very creative...

Set yourself up for your workout the night before. Clear the space, get your computer or TV setup for streaming, and lay out your clothes and pre-workout. If it only takes you 5 minutes to prepare, it’ll only be workout length + 5 minutes until your workout is over! So for me TRUST I find solace in the fact that in 25 mins after my alarm goes off I will be DONE. #20MinWorkoutsForTheWin

These tips aren’t rocket science. I’m not breaking ground on new ways to reach a version of yourself you’ve never made before BUT I’m just giving you a small handful of tips that have helped me stay accountable to goals over the past year.

I committed to not being a “resolution statistic” and you did, too. Show yourself that you’re worth the extra time and effort and that your goals are important. You CAN do it. I believe in you!