Goal Setting, Being Intentional and LOVING ON YO SELF'

HI my name is Becky and I am currently surviving on naps, excuses & leaning INTO my friends.

I just left my OB and I am in need of ANOTHER ultrasound because #spoileralert I am trending 4-6 weeks bigger than normal. If you’ve seen ANY of my recent pics you prob could’ve gotten there yourself ;)

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If we’re being honest, this pregnancy has been the HARDEST thus far - I’m sore, tired and feeling more like 38 weeks than 24.

BUT all that being said I am controlling the ONE thing I can -> Mindset baby.

It’s frustrating when you don’t feel good, you can’t move the ways you want to and normal activities like teaching class or putting on your shoes takes a lot out of you…

That’s when I remind myself that this little miracle baby is one of the BEST things that has happened to me and he isn’t an EXCUSE he is THE REASON I keep moving.

WE ALL have excuses it’s what we choose to do DESPITE the excuses and know how we get there? I do…

Grab a pen and #LFG

First up - getting LASER focused on our goals.  And THIS CAN BE TOUGH because it requires us to admit we’re not perfect, we’re not exactly where we want to be while also be willing to put in the work to GET THERE.

If you’re reading this you’re human and you’ve probably had the thoughts like “I’ll NEVER get to my goals”, “I have SO far to go in my journey” or “I’m going to be stuck like this forever.”

I know, I have! Like right now at 24 weeks pregnant and its already been about 10 weeks since I’ve seen my toes... instead of letting those negative thoughts creep in, I have been able to effectively silence them and gain control and confidence by setting small realistic and achievable goals.

-Showing up every day for my workout

-Fueling my body (and nugget) to the best of my abilities


-Doing my OWN personal best

and most importantly …

-Forgiving myself for mistakes but learning not to make them twice.

Second - being intentional.

Sounds easy enough right?  BUT this was probably the HARDEST for me.  As a mom - I am THE COORDINATOR of CHAOS.

So in the midst of having a healthy pregnancy, paying my bills on time, remembering I have to be at school tomorrow for Teacher Appreciation Day, school drop off, being a good friend and being PRESENT with my kids I ALSO have to make time for ME.

Because that stuff - that shit aint gonna change. #SorryButItsTrue So as one of my favorite sayings “Control the Controllable.”  And I’ve found for me I am my BEST self when I OWN my days.  This means a little time on Sunday where I allocate down to the 30 minute increment - my time for me (workout, sleep, coffee with friends) my time for coaching (team and challenger check ins, meal plans etc) my time for family (school events, drop offs, just chilling etc) and friends, family etc.

Seems daunting?  Maybe at first BUT the rewards from taking this 30 mins has been LIFE changing.  I am in CONTROL of my days - I’m not a frantic LUNATIC wondering where I’m supposed to be or if I forgot something (WHICH Is inevitable #babybrain).

Know what also helps?  At my fingertips I am DIALED into SUPPORT GROUPS filled with other ladies and gents feeling the same feels. 

People ask how I do it all the time - the answer; these bootcamps. And next up is the SELF LOVE BOOTCAMP!  They motivate, inspire and humble me.  They keep me going on the daily and if I’ve learned anything it’s consistency.  It may take me a little longer to get there with this enormous belly of mine but you can be DAMN sure I will get there and when I do I know a few people who will be celebrating with me!

If you want some fit friends to motivate, inspire and celebrate WITH YOU fill out this form out and let’s chat because goals, being intentional and getting to the place of LOVING yourself while still wanting to be BETTER is what we’re all about.