O Motivation, Motivation, wherefore art thou Motivation?


O Motivation, Motivation, wherefore art thou Motivation?

This is what I ask myself ON.THE.DAILY.  (Maybe not EXACTLY like this but I ask it)

Trust me - It may seem like I’m moving and loving this pregnancy, but I’ll be honest; I’ve hit the point where everything EXHAUSTS ME.

And ironically enough - I am not alone in this SO I thought I would share some tips I use when I am at an all-time LOW in the motivation dept to help YOU when you may be feeling in the Feb - post NY resolution high / pre-summer excitement.

  1. Call yourself out on your excuses. Yup.  #ToughLove is numero uno. Some of my favorites…

    1. “I’m too pregnant to workout.” -> Well theres really nothing I can do about this one except remind myself with a quick scroll of IG that there are people FAR MORE pregnant than I am doing way more that I am.  

    2. Or maybe “I’m too tired to workout.” I’m a parent, I’m always tired.  That’s what pre-workout is for. I have one (all natural, nothing artificial - pregoo friendly without the crack shakes).

    3. I don’t have any time.  Sorry boo - everyone has the same amount of hours in the day.  If it’s important to you - you will make time. And workouts are as short as 10 mins and go as long as an hour +.  I won’t even get into how many minutes people waste aimlessly scrolling on social media. YOU HAVE THE TIME.

  2. Get EXCITED again.  There is NOBODY more excited to workout than me when I have a new program/workout to do!  We get into routines, we get bored and BOOM unmotivated. So mix it up find something you ENJOY and do it!

  3. Up the self-care.  This means ALL over.  This means mind AND body.  Our body isn’t going ANYWHERE our mind doesn’t tell us to and our mind sometimes needs to be reminded WHY we do what we do.  I call this our WHY - this is THE thing that keeps us going even when we don’t want to.  And it can be EVER changing…  for me right now; I move to have the healthiest pregnancy I can for me and babes.  Also to keep my energy up when it just isn’t. Controlling the controllable. Also treat that bod with some extra love - maybe take a bath, take a new fitness class, maybe up your PD whatever you do to decompress - do it.

Lastly and most importantly I am NOT above being bribed - a new workout outfit, a pedicure at the end of a week full of workouts whatever tricks you into starting because once you DO you will get those endorphins going and you’ll start feeling GOOD.  Remember Good Habits are JUST as contagious as bad ones.

If you need some help in any of these depts I’m here and I am 100% confident I can find JUST the thing to get you back on track!  Head here and tell me a little more about YOU!