My Tips to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

I have had 3 VERY different pregnancies BUT there was one consistent - the DESIRE to have it be as healthy as possible.

3 pregnancies.jpg

With Em I single handedly ate the state of Massachusetts out of Kit Kats and gained 65+ lbs.  I stopped counting when the nurse moved the 50lb weight over on the scale - HELLOOOO 200s.

We had a little harder time GETTING pregnant with Cullen so I think the time leading up to this pregnancy I was in the BEST shape EVER.  In a time when I couldn’t control ANYTHING the one thing I COULD control was how I took care of my body #Illhavesomeofthoseabsbackplease AND good to note, despite working out and teaching Pilates AND Barre until week 40 I STILL SAW the 200s.

Enter third pregnancy and I am currently 19 weeks and have been in maternity clothes for almost 12 weeks.  My body was just like “ALRIGHT MIRACLE BABY LET’S DO THIS.”

I have been having similar convos (in and out of the studio) about HOW to have a healthy pregnancy and I thought I’d share my thoughts here - now keep in mind there are a few things I don’t mess around with; allergies and pregnancies SO always run stuff by your OB, BUT here are my tips for having the healthiest pregnancy (physically AND mentally) possibly!

First and most important KNOW from the very beginning that despite all of your efforts you can still run into some issues and life can be unfair and IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.  I REPEAT - IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. The fact that you’re already TRYING makes you the best Mom ever, I promise!

  1. Make and KEEP your appts: If you’re anything like me my calendar (for myself and 3 family members) is INSANITY and sometimes things get missed.  I make sure my OB appts are front and center.

  2. Don’t be shy with your doctor.  I swear the convos in that room - ain’t pretty.  How about some diarrhea, lightning crotch, ripping from front to back - yup.  Had all of these convos.

  3. Prenatal Vitamins:  If you are trying to conceive you should have started taking these while TTC BUT if you haven’t - just START.  In addition to the folic acid, the other vitamins (like iron and calcium) will be needed in greater supply WHILE pregnant.  Luckily for me - my daily superfood shake has been approved for two pregnancies as my prenantal vitamin. If you want to learn more about it head here.

  4. Clean Eating.  Now I KNOW how easy it is to give into the ol’ “Cravings” and “I’m eating for two.”  Remember what I said about Kit Kats? TRUST I get it - but it’s a myth. In reality the caloric intake varies slightly by trimester.  First trimester requires no more calories (womp womp) the second around 300 and the third closer to 500. So if we’re not talking portions let’s chat QUALITY of food!  I eat clean all day every day - meaning unprocessed and in as original of state as possible.

    1. Aim to eat 6 small meals a day to fuel your metabolism, maintain blood sugar levels and to ensure energy is high all day.

    2. Portion sizes - place your hands together then open them up.  A small portions will fit into both hands.

    3. If you want help in the meal planning department shoot me an email ( or comment below because this is my JAM!)

  5. Seafood:  Now seafood IS one of the BEST options in daily menu planning but when pregnant you have to be cautious about the mercury levels so try to keep it to 12oz a week and at all costs avoid it RAW. If you’re looking for a healthier substitute for omega 3s go plant based flax or chia seeds and walnuts!

  6. Stay Hydrated: All of our bodily processes use water, and pregnancy is no exception.  Your blood volume increased by 1.5x during pregnancy so if we’re not hydrated we could suffer from low blood pressure!

    1. Dehydration: Too little water can actually stop things from growing properly.  Growing a baby uses a LOT of proteins and minerals and they leave little parts of themselves that need to be flushed out in our urine SO less water intake means less peering and less chances of removing toxins

    2. Signs of dehydration: Dry skin and lips, dizziness, moodiness, lack of energy.

    3. Not only does it ensure your body stays moving but it helps ward off UTIs and constipation.

    4. So how much: I am for 10 glasses a day BUT they recommend 6-8!

  7. Exercise:  If you’ve been following me you KNOW exercise is my sanity but getting moving has been shown to help your mental health by keeping daily stressors at bay and giving you a healthy alternative to sitting around and WORRYING about baby.  Daily exercise will also keep your blood sugar in a healthy zone, ward off those extra lbs (WHICH can lead to complications during pregnancy) AND a bonus - > exercise helps your baby stay healthy as well. It increases the flow of oxygen to your baby, boosts their brain power and helps develop and strengthen their lungs.

    1. MAIN TIP:  Pregnancy is NOT the time to START a strenuous routine HOWEVER as long as you’re greenlighted it is ok to maintain whatever level you’re at.  Modifications MUST be taken - maybe lower impact, slower pace, twisting and any core movements that compress your abdominal cavity.

    2. Have a snack 10min-hour before your workout (light, low fat snack)

    3. Drink water throughout your workout

    4. Pump the breaks if you feel dizzy or your heart rate picks up too much.

    5. Warm Up/Cool Down: EVERY workout should include a 5-10 minute warm up and cool down.

    6. As a Pilates instructor I can NOT stress how AMAZING a Pilates workout can be prenatal.  The practice is designed to boost flexibility and balance and prevents back pain by strengthening your pelvic floor and core muscles which support your spine.  

    7. I also HIGHLY recommend Yoga, low impact cardio or strength training.

    8. If you need some assistance in the workout department I SWEAR by BOD - a Netflix of workouts done at home.  I wrote a bit about it here. It is a NECESSITY for busy Mamas and Mamas to be!

  8. Speaking of Pelvic Floors; Kegels: Your pelvic floor supports your bladder, uterus and bowels so NOW is the time to work on them because it will ease delivery AND helping with peeing while jumping after baby #soglamorous

    1. HOW to Kegel: You know the motion you make when you start peeing and have to stop immediately.  THAT. Do it for 3 seconds and HOLD. Repeat 10x and do this 3x a day!

  9. Gain the “appropriate” amount of weight.  Now remember I gained over 65+ lbs with both babies so I have some doubts on this because I genuinely believe your body is going to do what it needs to do BUT we can control some of it.  Across studies the “average” woman should gain 25-30lbs. Now if you are underweight your dr may recommend adding some lbs and adversely if you’re overweight you may be told to gain a little less.

Now let’s talk trimesters.  The first trimester tends to be a FOG.  My prior pregnancies I was FINE all 40 weeks. This one the nausea and exhaustion was NO JOKE - thanks to some B6, Unisom and an understanding village I survived.  But that’s the thing - First trimester is just that SURVIVAL MODE.


The second trimester is where we tend to pick up a bit.  Feel a little more like ourselves and I will say this because I LOVE dishing out the tough love.  The habits you developed in the first trimester need to be ditched JUST like the morning sickness.

Consider this a second chance to establish some healthy habits!  Maybe we start walking, working out, being more cognizant of the foods we put in our bellys etc.  Things to keep in mind - this is where the biggest physical changes happen so modify accordingly and remember ANYTHING is better than nothing right?  

So TRUST I know that having to go down in weights - in frustrating.  Or having to modify and no longer jumping and allowing my heart rate to get too high was FRUSTRATING for me - remind yourself it’s temporary and you’re taking care of that nugget!

Lastly AND probably most importantly - let’s chat the stuff nobody really talks about. Pregnancy is portrayed in movies and social media as a Hallmark movie - everyone is blissfully happy and excited and truthfully that’s just not always the case. Pregnancy can create OR reignite depression, anxiety, eating disorders or obsessive compulsive disorders. Know how to address these issues? TALK ABOUT THEM. ASK for help. KNOW it is normal to have worries, concerns etc and that in this sensitive time people aren’t judging you - most of us have been there (LITERALLY) and your mental health is JUST as important as your physical health. That baby needs Mama to be the best she can be!