4 Years Gave me ALL the F's and a 1,700% Raise

“Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time.” – Margaret Bonnano

And ya know what happens when the opportunity for both at the same time happens - a unicorn #sidehustle

I don’t know why I just LOVE that quote so much.  I think it stems from the understanding that can only come from real shitty situations or age maybe?!  Either way - I’ve hit the point where FOR US (*as ALL of my ramblings are I am ONLY coming from my experiences and what works for the Parkers - but know I GENUINELY live in the judge free zone.  A lot of people say that - but I mean it 100.) I feel WEALTHY AF.

The irony that this is written at a time where we just downsized and sold our house in our dream neighborhood to live in my grandparents house where I swear no matter where you are you bump into something or someone - is NOT lost on me.

So I'll elaborate - I feel Wealthy AF because last week my children decided having the stomach bug (for the SECOND time this year) was a good idea.  And, I was home.  I didn’t have to rearrage my meetings, call my boss or that song and dance that can be EXHAUSTING.

THAT is the freedom I have and the fact that I have created that flexibility is something I am VERY proud of.

I got a reminder on FB that this Thursday will be my 4 year anniversary of my FIRST paycheck as a coach.  My first check was for... Drumroll please..... $39.  BUT I swear I have NEVER been more proud or optimistic about a check.  I saw the potential.  I KNEW that I ENJOYED what got me that $39 and I wanted to take this and RUN (#PerfectionistProbs)

I remember being SO SCARED when I started.  I was SO concerned about what people would think, who would want to work with me - I mean, could I actually do this?!?!

Four years later I am 100% POSITIVE I was put on this earth to do this - #obvs on TOP of marrying my #hothubby and making some disgustingly adorable kids <- goes without saying right?

On a daily basis my “JOB” is to make new friends, reconnect with old friends and take existing friendships to an entirely new level.  

We tell stories, we share our fears, we get our sweat on, we drink our superfoods (proverbial Kool-Aid eh?) and we all accept that while loving ourselves right where we are at this exact moment it’s absolutely OK, in fact encouraged, to want more - to want to be better, healthier, stronger, more confident and just freaking MORE.

So if all of that reaps some financial flexibility - I have won the JACKPOT.


And who am I to keep this info to myself? What kind of disservice am I doing to someone out there who many need this as much as I did... and is as unaware as I was!

I'm not in the Millionaires Club (yet ;) #goalboard ) - and I want to reiterate, it IS NOT about the money - I have friends who make 1/10 of this AND I also have friends who make 10X this but here is my paycheck progression of the past 4 years.  

I HATE Math (Go Bentley!) but I think the first year I gave myself a 200% raise and over the 4 years a 1700% raise.  

Now I have been out of Corporate America for awhile but I don’t remember seeing raises that high ;)

And you know what ALL COACHES have, regardless of our paychecks? The ability to make of this opportunity what we will.  And for me - I want all the F's - specifically; freedom (of time), financial flexibility and lastly - Family. (I mean what do you think I'm doing with this extra time?!)

So I ask YOU.  If you've been curious about what I do; A - what the shit are you waiting for? and B - what would an extra $39, $100, $679 a week mean to you and your family?

Ready when you are!


And to keep corporate happy! Income Disclaimer: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.