Finding Your Voice

Finally, I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to become who I already am" Thomas Merton

Ever hear a quote and have it hit you directly in the heart?

Photo cred: @Merissaroo

Photo cred: @Merissaroo

When I signed up as a coach I wanted a discount on the products because - #theywork. I HAD no idea it would be the small decision that would send my life on a completely different trajectory.

And if we're being honest this little "gig" has saved me.  

It's been a rough few years and when it seemed like one bad hit after another, it was a constant in my life.

It was a distraction from the reality of our situation (with the hub's retirement, family sh*t, moving, raising tiny humans or the culmination of everything) it was a welcomed, happy distraction.

And if we're being honest, I have only been kinda sorta coaching until now.  Funny how only kinda sorta has brought me this far - financially, physically and emotionally.  I am in the top .1% of the company.

Up until this point I would say and think things like "I'll do more" "I'll be better" "that can wait until the end of summer."

That was me sheltering myself and allowing myself to find comfort in doing JUST ENOUGH...

Well life is too short and I am OVER making myself small and postponing checking things off my goal board and bucket list.

Life is happening RIGHT NOW.  Each and every one of us deserves to wake up EVERY day and love the absolute SHIT out of our lives.

So join me in deciding this is the exact LAST time I will stand in my own way and watch other people manifest the lives they wanted while I kept waiting until I was "qualified, popular, smart, prepared - whatever attribute here" enough to jump in.

If this resonated with you I wanted to share a few steps I recommend if you’re looking to own your voice, manifest some good shit and just create and manage that good energy.

Step 1. Figure out who you really are.

Who is your authentic self.  And don’t read me off the conventional list of what we should do - go to the good college, get the good job, get married, have babies etc.  I want to know what sets your soul ON FIRE? It took me a lot of soul chasing and trusting my gut to find this in myself - I mean I HAD the good stuff.  A GREAT job with flexible and an amazing paycheck (MAN I MISS THAT PAYCHECK), I had married the great man, we had started our perfect family and I STILL wanted more!  WHO THE HELL DID I THINK I WAS? But after spending more time in the fitness world I realized it set my soul ON FIRE and I dove right in.

Step 2. Identify if your authentic self is in alignment with your current life.

Write down wherever you feel stuck. When I got honest with myself, I realised exactly where I was feeling stuck; my job, my daily routine, the lack of time I could actually spend WITH my family and furthering my Pilates practice.  I’ve been working to make changes ever since.

Step 3. Set some long-term goals in support of your dream life.

I crafted this list and while it looked crazy at first—replacing our previous incomes with my coaching income and retire my husband WITHOUT the help of the Fire Department.  Host Health & Wellness retreats on the yearly focusing on empowering women in various aspects of their life. What?!—that last one LITERALLY just came to me and shit I’m going with it.

Step 4. Create short-term, attainable goals.

We need to start somewhere right and we’re never getting to the long-term goals if we’re not doing small things each day NOW to create that momentum.  My short-term goals will keep building and growing and every time I crossed one off, I add more. #GoalCrusher

I’ll say this - my journey becomes a little bit clearer with each andevery single little step I take. It’s still VERY much coming together - one day at a time, one decision at a time BUT isn’t that the beauty of working toward goals — that reason to JUMP out of bed in the morning… even at 5am WHEN DID I BECOME A MORNING PERSON?!

So, define what “big” means for you and fucking go for it.  I’ll tell you right now and save you some years - NO ONE else can define what will make you feel successful and happy with your life.

You are in charge of determining what will bring you fulfilment, purpose, and joy.

Your answer will probably be different than mine and different than most of your family and friends.  ISN’T that the point! That’s the beauty of this life and that’s EXACTLY how it should be.

Align your life with your authentic self, because it’s time to start playing big…

And if you’re reading this thinking I want to align more with what YOU’RE doing - it starts with a decision to poke around my 3 day Sneak Peek into the B-Team HERE and if you want to just chat some things out COMPLETELY non-coach related; let’s do it - I mean what I say when I 100% THRIVE on helping ladies come into the best versions of themselves.