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Vacations can wreak havoc on our health and Fitness goals.  We’re out of our routines, our days can be filled with situations (and food) out of our control and WHY is everything deep fried??  I find my body always reacts SUPER strongly - and not in a good way - so I have outlined some tips I try to incorporate whenever I’m traveling!


  1. Start Your Day the Best Way Possible: For me that means a workout! And it doesn’t have to be a traditional workout - just move! Maybe a walk on the beach? A quick Yoga session in your hotel room - whatever just MOVE! I find when I start my day with a healthy decision the rest of the day falls in line (or I feel less guilty about it - either way #winning)  And if you need help in this department I have a TON of options and most are at or under 30 mins and require little to no equipment!

  2. Drink your Water: Your skin and body will thank you!  Dehydration is a REAL thing and nobody wants headaches etc.  Less alcohol, more water! (Yes, I just said that!)

  3. Plan Ahead: Grab some healthy snacks so you ALWAYS have something GOOD at your fingertips. Almonds, BeachBars or Shake-O are ALWAYS in my bag!  #SnacksAreLife

  4. Do Some Research: Search out the menu beforehand and go in with a plan of attack!

  5. When Out to Eat: Avoid words like fried, sauteed and battered - opt for steamed, baked or grilled.  If you’re a salad girl like me ask for dressing on the side and dip don’t pour!

  6. ENJOY: Don’t forget to ENJOY yourself; the company, the local food and remember the next day is another opportunity to get back on track!



Lastly - don’t be so judgy to yourself.  Legit. I went back through some of my pics and started deleting them before I was all WTF are you doing!? Those are memories.  


My children will look back and remember us having fun and laughing, not the fact my rolls came out of my bathing suit. I’m serious.  

So instead of deleting I posted it to Social Media.  That will teach me to think that about myself ever again!

What about YOU - what works for YOU on vacation!?