How to Workout at Home (with kids)

So I got a text from a friend today that said “I think for your next blog post you should do a how to work from home with kids. I’m serious. We all need your expertise”

My reply - I’m not sure I have anything to offer other than you have to stop giving a shit.

And the more I thought about it and although that may be the biggest part of home workouts, I DO have a few other ideas so keep reading for my top tips for working out at home with mini humans.


Barre Blend is a low-impact, high intensity, and high-energy workout that will help you create a lean, sculpted, and toned physique blending ballet barre (you don’t need any dance experience - TRUST, I’m legit Elaine from Seinfeld), Pilates, and cardio interval training. Trainer Elise Joan will keep you motivated and positive every step of the way as you push your body, mind, and spirit to just BE BETTER during this 60-day program.

5 Years Ago...

I missed this memory over the weekend in the chaos that is life and Mother’s Day BUT I couldn’t let this weekend pass without acknowledging it because - maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones - but I am overwhelmed with gratitude, appreciation and all the other words I can’t seem to think of #BabyBrain is real.

I Have the Same Amount of Hours in the Day as Beyoncé

Ever find yourself saying stuff like…

“I need more hours in the day,” “I wish I could clone myself” or something along those lines.

Well congrats that means you’re human - we’ve all been there.  I am currently there (so #NotPerfect) and although I have made HUGE strides in this department this pregnancy has me feeling a little “overwhelmed” so I thought I would share some tips I use to remind myself that I have the same amount of hours in the day as Beyoncé.

Goal Setting, Being Intentional and LOVING ON YO SELF'

HI my name is Becky and I am currently surviving on naps, excuses

and leaning into my friends.

I just left my OB and I am in need of ANOTHER ultrasound because #spoileralert I am trending 4-6 weeks bigger than normal. If you’ve seen ANY of my recent pics you prob could’ve gotten there yourself ;)

If we’re being honest, this pregnancy has been the HARDEST thus far - I’m sore, tired and feeling more like 38 weeks than 24.

BUT all that being said I am controlling the ONE thing I can -> Mindset baby.

It’s frustrating when you don’t feel good, you can’t move the ways you want to and normal activities like teaching class or putting on your shoes takes a lot out of you…

That’s when I remind myself that this little miracle baby is one of the BEST things that has happened to me and he isn’t an EXCUSE he is THE REASON I keep moving.

WE ALL have excuses it’s what we choose to do DESPITE the excuses and know how we get there? I do…