How I LOVE My Body, Especially While Pregnant

So I hear ladies all the time saying how uncomfortable they are in their bodies while pregnant… And truthfully, it makes me a little sad.  Trust, I GET IT, but I think I might be the exception!💁🏻‍♀️

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Maybe it’s the fact that I spent my entire life sucking in my gut, rolling those shoulders back and trying to always look “better.” Now I’m sitting back letting this body grow another linebacker and just embracing every pound and piece of clothing I outgrow.

The female body is freaking AMAZING so I thought I would share some tips on how to not only accept, but to LOVE, your pregnant body - cuz I KNOW that shit isn’t always easy.  

Especially in this day and time of social media.  Unfortunately value is placed on women ON THE DAILY in terms of how they’re dressed, how they look or how “attractive” they’re perceived to be - if this is the case it’s not that hard to believe that loving your body in ANY state is a daily exercise.

This is getting deeper than I thought BUT stay with me.  Our cultural standards of what is considered beautiful are unforgiving at best. Gain weight? God FORBID. Gain weight EVEN when you’re pregnant? Eeeek - big lunch or expecting?  

As someone in the fitness field I truly believe some influencers have let us down -  they use their voice to focus on the lack of weight gained and their ability to rock swimsuits for the booty shots almost entirely through the 40 weeks.  I digress and this isn’t a blanket statement - because I KNOW pregnancy looks different on everyone I just wish we GLORIFIED it in EVERY case AS LONG as we’re attempting to have the healthiest pregnancy we can.

After a lifetime of trying to stay healthy and “thin” it’s an adjustment to come to terms with the fact that your body is going to grow and change in ways you could never even imagine.  You’re not in control of anything and somehow your skin resembles the high school years and your boobs touch your neck. #Glamorous

Did I mention the hormones?  In the midst of all the physical changes the emotional impact might make the highs higher and the lows lower.

Are you getting the feeling I may not actually love being pregnant.  You’re right.

With Em I LOOOOOOVED being pregnant.  I was THE person I want to throat punch right now.  I walked around on clouds saying “I wish I was pregnant forever.”  This pregnancy has been the direct opposite. I’m currently at about 55+lbs that are sitting right on my pelvis, my hips expanded a little too soon and I’ve had the worst pain in my crotch since Nam.  (feels that way anyways).

But regardless of all of this I am SO freaking grateful for this miracle baby that I tell myself to shut up and I praise the exact thing that is causing me such pain - my body.

Now onto the tips and practices I have used in my journey through all 3 pregnancies!

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  1. It’s all about the Mindset: If you’ve been following me for awhile you may have noticed I am a bit of a positive vibes junkie.  And in this situation it would be SO EASY to focus on the negatives - my ankles are swollen, I haven’t pooped in weeks, I miss wine etc - and COMPLETELY forget your body is doing something IN-FREAKING-CREDIBLE.  You are COOKING A HUMAN BEING. Focus on what it’s DOING instead of what it’s LOOKING like.

  2. Know whats coming: I started to get those weekly emails about how big baby was and what was going on with my body to be proactive instead of reactive!  Understanding WHY things were happening before they were helped control the emotions! I mean celebrate it - how can I be mad that my jeans don’t fit my baby is growing his HEART right now!

  3. I stopped hiding the bump:  I used to dress in only car tarps.  The past 2 pregnancies I went with tighter and showed off the growing bump!  We’re pregnant not dead right? Dress up, throw some makeup on and OWN IT!

  4. Keep Active: ALWAYS check with your OB before starting anything and I MUST SAY this isn’t a workout to “ward off the pregnancy lbs” it’s a let’s reap the benefits of those endorphins.  The workouts - even modified - that would make you feel good and strong and empowered can STILL bring on those feelings!

  5. Check out the Pregnant Celebrities: Yup. Seriously.  I thought I had problems - have you SEEN the comments on some of the preggo celebrities accounts? GOOD LORD.  People have cement balls behind a computer screen and some of them shut them down and have me screaming and fist pumping in solidarity.

  6. You’re NEVER alone: Maybe this is an Only Child thing but even when I am 100% alone I am not because me and this new little bestie are still kicking it (literally).

And lastly - remind yourself “This too shall pass.”  Although it may seem like it, I PROMISE you will NOT be pregnant forever.  Allow yourself to take up the space you need. Seriously. I stopped trying to squeeze into too tight clothes or situations.  I am proud of the space I’m taking up! Once I fully accepted it, I stopped caring about ANYTHING other than loving on this experience.