Do You Even Gratitude Journal Bro?

Do you even gratitude journal bro?

Seriously though - Anxiety has come up in SO many of my conversations lately I took it as a sign that I should share what works for me.

First I want to say motherhood is AMAZING and the rewards are ENDLESS but it is FAR from easy and anxiety, depression and a whole host of other mental health struggles can EASILY creep in.  And maybe it’s just me but it always seems to be around this time of year (or in my case postpartum #TwoForOne).  

Moms, Dads, Daughters, Sons, Friends WHOMEVER you are and Regardless how we got here - we’re here - so let’s chat about it because bottom line and the biggest takeaway; we are NOT alone in this thing called life - in the good AND the bad experiences.

HOW could I not put these faces on there?

HOW could I not put these faces on there?

I personally find sharing therapeutic and I hope you’ll keep reading and find something to incorporate into your day to day to alleviate some stressors - and if you have something that works for you please share the love!

Gratitude Journaling: This was one of those things when it was recommended to me a few times before I actually started I rolled my eyes and was all “yah ok tree hugger.” BUT I don’t know shit because I think this is THE MAIN thing in lessening my anxiety.  And truthfully, it's actually an Affirmation AND Gratitude Journal.

So I recommend grabbing a notebook that really speaks to you (Yup #NotebookNerd).  I went to Shutterfly and made one with my babies faces on it :)Now it’s two part - in the morning we do Affirmations.  More specifically 3 things that I intend to accomplish today.  It can be BIG or Small - tactical or emotional. Examples: Pay Bills, get that present for the birthday party this weekend or yell at my kids less.

The reasoning I keep it to 3 is that as a Mom, Wife, Fitness Instructor and Entrepreneur - I sometimes find myself DROWNING in my to-do’s and when I didn’t get to everything EVEN if I did a LOT; I still felt frustrated aggravated.

Now 3 is doable and instead of frustration, I feel ACCOMPLISHED.  If I get to more AWESOME, if not I am still satisfied.  

Second part is Gratitude.

Every evening I write down 3 things I am grateful for.  Doesn't have to be specific for the day but they’re top of mind so tend to be easier.  Again, doesn’t have to be big - sometimes it’s “Ronin slept through the night” and sometimes it’s bigger like “my family is healthy.”

The hope here is that the daily practice of having to write down things we’re grateful for means we’re actively LOOKING for more things we’re grateful for.  Remember that ol’ saying “what we focus on expands” SO the more we look for good, the more good will come to us <3 

It may seem a little foofy at first but I promise, give it a try.  

Meditate: Again foofy (see a pattern here?) BUT meditation is less about specifics and more about an awareness between body and mind. It looks different to everyone BUT for me it comes in a few minutes sitting alone (or even with Ro before the house wakes up).  Is there ANYTHING better than starting your day with 5-10 calm minutes of positive energy. (again what we focus on expands)


Get some sleep: Sleep deprivation is a huge anxiety culprit.  Lack of shuteye can increase the brain’s anticipatory reactions which ups your overall anxiety levels.

Exercise: We know the physical benefits of exercise but the psychological ones are amazing also!  Moving that body decreases stress hormones (cortisol) and increases endorphins - the GOOD chemicals that boost your mood naturally!  It also distracts from the very things that can be causing anxiety, promotes confidence and usually comes with a supportive community (if you need one, I got one for ya!)

And lastly keep in mind YOU ARE NORMAL.  Anxiety can be crippling and I genuinely hope if you’re experiencing it these things help and if they don’t reach out because I would absolutely LOVE to help you find something that works for you because the world needs YOU, exactly as you are just a little less stressed and whole lot happier!