New Logo who dis?

Yes the B-Team got a new logo and No, I’m not wearing pants behind said logo.

But seriously - this new logo is SO much more than just a rebrand.  

I have been in the health and wellness field for almost 8 years and coaching for just about 6.

The overlap that happens when your passion and your hobby become your paycheck is chaotic.  Add in the stresses of life and I can honestly say up until last year I was playing small. I am a perfectionist so I was doing enough to hit the ranks and levels I wanted but I was SERIOUSLY distracted by life - moving, husband’s retirement, creating mini humans etc.  That changed in the past 6-8 months and I will say this - 

Weird shit happens when you decide to level up.

me with logo.png

First, things almost feel like they’re falling apart.  Then you start to question if you have ANY means doing what you’re doing and then like clouds parting to reveal the sun you “awaken” and for me I #woke with NO F’s left to give for anything that wasn’t positive energy.  #LifeandBiz

It was with this clarity I potted down all the fears I let get the best of me to this point…

“Do you really think you can do this? It has been done already by SO many people”

“You don’t even look the part”

“What if this is the best you got?”

There is something SO freeing about telling your fears - I see you.  I see you and I am persisting on BECAUSE of you.

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

So recently I decided to really focus on the B-Team and I’s journeys.  We all have different goals, come from different places, have different day to days BUT we are all growing at an incredible rate.  We are having successes. We are THRIVING because we have leaned into this good vibe tribe and have collectively decided to own this passion of becoming the best versions of ourselves AND paying it forward.

Listen I get it.  MLMs (eeewww sick, booo) I’ve heard it all.  We get a bad rap. And justifiably so. MOST are transactional.  I consider what I do as a health and wellness coach to really start AFTER the transaction.  After the commitment on both of our parts to put in some WORK. So that stigma of direct sales; it doesn’t deter me.  Quite opposite really - it FIRES ME UP. It makes me want to show up every single day to show everyone AND myself this “whim of a decision to sign up” has become my life and the opportunities and people it has brought INTO my life… I can’t even put it into words.

So those diamonds in the new logo represent what we do on the daily; how we FUEL our bodies, how we MOVE our bodies and most importantly it’s how we THINK.

THAT is EVERYTHING.  That is the secret sauce.  Well that paired with the community I have worked so hard to create that is filled with the absolute BEST people on the planet ALSO sharing this desire to level up - it’s the game changer right there.  

It’s weird.  It’s non-conventional and it’s probably confusing to some - it was to me before I dove in so if you’re still reading -first thank you!  Second - let’s chat because sometimes that feeling in our guts that we want to do SOMETHING different doesn’t align so timely with the “F the norm, I’m doing me” mentality.  And the area between can only be navigated by someone who’s been there. #HiThatsMe 

Listen - I GET IT.  Maybe it's been entirely too long since you've done something for YOU.  Maybe you're looking to create some financial flexibility while meeting some new #FitFriends.

If you're stillllll here you have questions and luckily for you - this coaching gig is my FAVORITE thing to talk about (besides my 3 kids and #MrParker) so let’s just get to it.  Drop me a comment here or email me at and let’s level up together