My Tips to Eliminate the Sunday Scaries

I don’t know about you BUT #ThisGirl LOVES any type of hack that will improve my life - and Sunday hacks are some of my most favorite of ALL because I have come FAR in the #SundayScaries department.

So many people spend their weeks WAITING for the weekend then spend their weekend dreading Monday - sick cycle right? - we should be ENJOYING the time with our friends and family and Sunday should be spent doing more of the same and prepping for a productive week ahead!

Sunday Scaries - have you heard of them?  It’s that moment when Sunday stops feeling like “Sunday Funday” and the anxiety of Monday kicks in.

It starts at SUCH a young age - I felt it when I was a kid and I am living it all over again with my little drama queen Emerson. ‘But MAMA WHYYYYYYYYYY - I hate school (which she absolutely DOESN’T) I just want you to HOMESCHOOL ME (which is when I legit LOL every time she says this because its an entirely different blog post BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE?).  She LOVES school - it’s just the start of the routine again… and this mindset only gets worse when we enter the “real world” Dunh. Dunh. Dunhhhhh (dramatic effect)

From retail jobs, to CPAs to advertising - I ALWAYS felt that pit in my stomach on Sundays when I knew I had to go into work the next morning - or maybe it was the pitcher of Margaritas I would down to “delay” actually going to bed and accept reality.

It’s funny because I liked 99% of the jobs I had - I loved the work I was doing.  It was the fact that I had to report to someone and felt like my work was always being judged.  I didn’t feel in control of my own life - or my happiness.

Now that I work for myself - I LOVE Mondays. Seriously.  They’re a kickoff to a new week filled with something new, exciting and more of what I love.  I’ve also put a few hacks into play that have since turned Sunday and Monday into my favorite days of the week.

Want some ideas to master the Sunday Scaries and relive the #CaseofTheMondays keep reading…

#3 - with the new warm weather we took the kids outside to play AND get some ice cream #PregnantLadysDream

#3 - with the new warm weather we took the kids outside to play AND get some ice cream #PregnantLadysDream

  1. Use Your Planner: There is nothing I love more than heading into a week knowing exactly what’s going down.  Now I know things happen and sometimes things pop up but on Sunday I write down m yweekly schedule include the necessities - school drop offs, teaching Pilates, school pick ups, homework, play groups etc.  NOW the important part of being your own boss - I ALSO schedule my “Work Hours’ which means class prep, bootcamp prep, blogging and answering all of my emails and direct messages. Then comes the fun things - maybe a #fitDate with a friend, a pedicure or a date night.  **Sidenote I know a LOT of things have gone electronical BUT I am a pen and paper girl and LOVE using a good ol’ planner. Pen and Paper baby.

  2. Plan Something: Sounds easy enough right? Sitting around and moping about the upcoming week is NOT an ideal way to spend your SUnday.  Always try to fill your Sunday with an activity that is productive and distracting. Maybe a Barre class, meal prepping, an afternoon with friends or working on your passion. Redirecting your attention and absorbing all the good vibes will help prevent the anxiety from creeping in

  3. Get Social...IN REAL LIFE: Now we know this girl LOVES HERSELF some social media BUT have you ever started scrolling only to feel WORSE than you did? All of a sudden you see strangers living these fun extravagant lives or even worse your besties doing fun things without you (#OnlyChildProbs).  Well shut that shit down. Reach out and see if they want to grab brunch, go shopping or just hang out.

  4. Try a New Recipe: Now I won’t lie and say I ACTUALLY cook this meal myself BUT I gently nudge (read: text Mr.Parker INCESSENTLY) new recipe ideas from Pinterest of the BB Blog.  We usually food shop on Mondays - just our thing I know it’s a weird day - so we tend to get creative with what we have in the house. We also keep it healthy because aint nobody want to go INTO the week with low energy and a “I shouldn’t have eaten all that” attitude.  This also helps with your mood and productivity - #MonSLAY - here’s one of our favs!

  5. Catch up on your Personal Development: Now when I used to hear PD I would roll my eyes and envision people hugging trees and Rodney Dangerfielf in the begining of Back to School reciting “'m good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh-darnit , people like me!! BUT that person is now subscribed to Audible and has about 30 ebooks at her fingertips.  I do NOT read as much as I’d like but while I’m folding laundry or cleaning I’m also working on that mindset with something that fills my cup.  If you need some suggestions I have a TON - and theyre life related (think - confidence, mindset, positivity) or work related (how to become more efficient in my side hustle or to become a better instructor) etc. etc.

  6. Clean Up: Now maybe I’m crazy BUT i feel more in control of my life when I FIGURATIVELY walk into Monday and my kitchen is LITERALLY cleaner.  Now I’m talking a full house rehaul but before you sit down or go to bed on Sunday do a quick tidy-up. Specifically the dishes, clean off the counters and the kitchen area which tends to be high traffic Monday morning.

  7. Go to Bed Early:  I’m not saying when the sun sets BUT it is A LOT easier to embrace the Monday when you’re well-rested.  Now you’ll have more energy to tackle your week and get through it with the clearest of heads. Maybe a bath? Maybe read a book? Whatever helps you calm down...and put the phone down!

coffee utah.jpg

And lastly - COFFEE. Lots and lots of coffee to get us through the mumming, busy ladying days where the hours feel so long but the days short! (and preferably with the view -> from my leadership retreat in Utah 2 years ago… see utilizing your Sundays pays off #FreeVacation!)

But seriously. There you have it - now don’t read this and file it under the TO-DO List…start small and incorporate 1-2 things and if you do let me know how it helps! Or if you have any suggestions on things I missed #ShareTheLove
