This is 37...

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Today is my birthday - HELLOOOOOOOO 37!  This also means that it’s my Coach-aversary and it has me ALL sorts of emotional.

I wont lie, The Parker’s have had a rough go of it in the past few years - injuries, possible retirement, moving, financial strains (that came with no OTs or closing our business), sleep deprived stages (thanks Cullen) and sometimes it’s just been entirely too much to handle.

I know I would’ve given up on it all.  I would’ve curled up in the fetal position (prob with a LOT of wine) and let the “Why Me’s” take over...But I didn’t (and I still don’t) because Coaching absolutely saved my life.

This was a huge realization to me - and if you don’t mind I am going to toot my own horn here for a second - I mean, if ya can’t toot your own horn on your birthday WHEN CAN YOU?  I have NEVER been a quitter. I am loyal to a fault - Case in point - ASK #MrParker how many times he tried to get rid of me when we were dating ;) jk dont. We’ve repressed that - but seriously.  I think it takes a lot for me to let people and things in BUT once you’re in, you’re in.

I say this because I KNOW I would have easily given up on myself, but I will NEVER give up on my family, my challengers or my team.

I have a husband who is a SAINT.  We do this #lifething TOGETHER. I have little ones who look to me for help with their homework or a kiss for a booboo and those things don’t wait because my day sucked or I’m feeling overwhelmed.

I also have people that have trusted ME with their goals, fears, and journeys.  

Their stories are NOT easy to share, their days can seem like a struggle and they look to ME to hold their hand and keep them accountable.  I do NOT take that honor and responsibility lightly and no matter HOW my day was - I get up and SHOW UP because that’s what I ask them to do when they tell me they want more out of life.

And THIS is why I am ETERNALLY grateful on my 4 year coaching anniversary to look back with NOTHING but awe and appreciation because at the ripe ol’ age of 37 I am absolutely ROCKING the strongest Support system and Self Confidence I’ve EVER had and I KNOW how far I’ve come.  I know I GIVE attention, loyalty and hard work so I know I also DESERVE it.


Might sound weird but I can honestly say I LOVE myself AND everything my mind and body has achieved. I mean this MAY be the smallest swimsuit I’ve ever owned...  AT 37 - I NEVER thought I’d be here.

If any of this resonated with you let’s chat because I will continue to be here plugging along and making the best life I can because truthfully what the hell else am I going to do - it’s just more fun TOGETHER.  

And remember “Magic Happens when you do not give up, even though you want to.  The universe falls in love with a stubborn heart”