I have made some big life changes in the past decade - and some were TERRIFYING - BUT the scariest ones have reaped the biggest reward; my Happiness! (and ain’t that what it’s really all about?)
Before coaching, I was a cog in the wheel. I had been working in digital advertising for years and fallen into this routine of 80+ hour weeks. Sadly I remember going DAYS without seeing my daughter. My cardio at the time was RUNNING from one end of Boston to the other to catch my train home (because my turtle pace was THAT much quicker than the T) - tack on trying to make time for my family, friends and last on that list; me and I was a mess. One day blending into the next always trying to reach this unobtainable “BALANCE” people speak of.
Days weren’t long enough and I wasn’t being the best employee, wife or mother I could be. I finally decided I needed to break the cycle and turn it inward. I re-evaluated a large portion of my life - both professionally and personally...a so-called “Spring Cleaning of my emotional closet.”
Working out is literally my therapy. I know for some it’s a chore - to me, my day doesnt START until I’ve sweat and my schedule was so jam packed trying to be everything to everyone else I had to physically stop and ask myself some tough questions “How am I doing?” “What do I actually want to do with my life” and the ol’ “is this IT?”
I put pen to paper and my list simply included being around my family and friends as much as possible and working out. I had NO IDEA what or how this would all come together, but I dove in and decided I would figure it out later.
Leading up to this - I told myself “I am working to be a good role model to my daughter” - our family needed the money so that’s what I was doing. This is when I realized how WRONG I was.
I wanted her to grow up to be and do WHATEVER it was she wanted to do - what made her feel passionate and alive.
My fitness career started with group exercise and I NEVER looked back. I became obsessed with helping other ladies see HOW IMPORTANT it was to carve out that 55 mins a day JUST FOR THEM. Truthfully, it wasn’t just the workout. Movement kicked off a ripple of goodness.
Confidence (ACTUALLY doing what they said they were going to do)
Appreciation (you have people depending on you, you HAVE to be healthy and able to keep up) and probably most importantly - they felt a sense of themselves back.
A few months in I realized I wanted to help MORE people. I didn’t like that I could only help local ladies so I took the show on the road (or the world wide web!?); Virtual Coaching.
The best part of coaching? I get to genuinely HELP people (people I know and love already, people I reconnect with and new people I am lucky enough to meet). We start to get excited about healthy habits and most importantly start living a HAPPIER life.
What’s changed the most in my life is what being “healthy” or “fit” means to me. Back then it was the size on my jeans, and now the definition isn’t so cut and dry. For the first time in my life I can 100% say I am proud of who I am; both inside and out. I have off days (probably more frequent than I care to admit) but on a daily basis I now hold myself to a COMPLETELY different standard; Am I someone who I would want my children to look up to? Broad statement but it encompasses both mental and physical health and thats what I was missing until now.
Was I a size 2 back then - absolutely. Was I starving and tired - absolutely. When I went to college and gained waaaay more than the Freshman 15 did it mentally ruin me - you betcha.
Not sure exactly when or how it clicked, but I think it had a LOT to do with becoming a mom. Once I had this tiny little perfect nugget in front of me and hours in the day seemed to dwindle - I immediately stopped saying yes to things I didn’t really want to do, I said no to things AND people that didn’t better me. I stopped apologizing and feeling bad about not being everything to everyone - this was HUGE for me.
I focused on the positive in my life; my family, my friends and my health. I became ME - which is where The B Team name came from. We’re not perfect (how freaking exhausting is that.) We’re the people that have stopped trying to hold ourselves to others' standards, we love ourselves and every day we aim to be the best version of ourselves - BUT don't ever apologize for your dreams, opinions or feelings.
This is also what kickstarted the Brand Bar. I saw SO MANY women owned small businesses that were my friends’ hobbies but ya know what THEY LIT THEM UP! They were making things that made them PROUD and I wanted to help THEM do MORE of that because I know exactly what it looks like to build a FT income from your kitchen counter amidst all of your bills and wonder if this would “ever really work.” Spoiler Alert - if it works or not is up to YOU. I’m here to give you the tools AND breathe the belief into you until you get yourself there.
So whether you’re here for fitness or business friendly reminder - it is SO IMPORTANT who you surround yourself with. Look to others who lift you up. Life is too short- find that balance and cling to it with everything you have…and take comfort in knowing I'll be doing the same exact thing... every damn day.