Let's Jump into June Together

Listen I GET IT - the weather is getting warmer, the social calendar is booked on top of booked and it doesn’t seem like you can add even one more thing to your to-do list.

THAT’S THE THING - health isn’t just another thing to add to your to do list; it’s THE THING on the list because without your health the rest of the list ain’t getting done or it’s getting done by an angry, stressed lady (hi; me!).

MAY'd For More - A 4 Week Challenge to Feel More Active, Accomplished & Aligned

I’ve been chatting a LOT recently about “being on auto pilot.” Like we do ALL the things but we don’t know WHY, we don’t FEEL them - we just kinda do them to do them and check that box right?

So how can we make every day count? How can we have a bigger impact and be content when we go to sleep every night? Welcome to “Make Your Mark” - a 4-week challenge to feel more active, accomplished, and aligned each day.

Spring Survival Guide - Let's THRIVE Not Just SURVIVE

The weather is warming up, it’s starting to feel a little more “normal” around here (is normal even a thing anymore!?) and it is the PERFECT time to establish or recommit to some health habits! Nobody expected to have to navigate a pandemic, a job, a family, a LIFE - the list goes on, but we have, and if you’re reading this you’re still here and that makes it the PERFECT time to prioritize your wellness, create routines that make you more productive, and increase your happiness + gratitude along the way. Spring is HERE and I can’t wait to spend it with you!

Everybody's Moving in March

If you are anything like me Music & Workouts gives me life. Seriously. So let’s combine them eh?

I have different playlists for my mood: chill, work, cleaning, HAVING A DAY, let’s workout and MORE. I heard a quote once “Music is the outburst of the soul” and I feel that IN my soul haha so for the month of March we will be choosing one of own fitness programs that will align with your likes/dislikes and the best option to get you to your goals (helping people find their soulmate workout is legit my favorite thing ever) and we will focus on daily movement, clean nutrition and bringing your favorite jams to your workouts!