Let's Jump into June Together

Listen I GET IT - the weather is getting warmer, the social calendar is booked on top of booked and it doesn’t seem like you can add even one more thing to your to-do list.

THAT’S THE THING - health isn’t just another thing to add to your to do list; it’s THE THING on the list because without your health the rest of the list ain’t getting done or it’s getting done by an angry, stressed lady (hi; me!). One thing I’ve learned is that it’s the mindset that comes with working out for me - it’s my therapy.

My hubs always says “I’m one workout away from a good mood” (and he ain’t wrong).

I yell at my kids less (I’m human) and I can tackle the day with a different kind of energy when I know I poured into me first. And TRUST not all days are the same - for me to get that “me time” sometimes it means waking up before the rest of the house, sometimes its a little extra screentime and sometimes it means pressing play 5 mins after the kids are in bed (even when the couch is calling my name).

I guess the way I see it is this - LIFE isn’t going to change; we will always have things to do, places to be and things to find outfits for - it’s just HOW we choose to show up for those things. And for me filling my cup with movement, mindset work (journaling and people who lift me up help make all of those things easier; wait - even ENJOYABLE!

So this month I have THREE options for you to JUMP into JUNE with me!

B Team Virtual Fit Club: A 4 week, choose your own program challenge focusing on daily movement, clean nutrition and weekly challenges to be intentional + impactful with your days. We will work hard on our daily fitness and nutrition goals with fitness challenges, recipe inspiration all while meeting new fit friends along the way! Helping people find their soulmate workout is literally my favorite thing to do in life!

Stress Free & Fit Wellness Challenge: BRAND NEW Program dropping May 24! Think Cardio, Yoga, Pilates and Strength training had a baby! You can read more about it HERE and if you’re already picking up what I’m putting down fill THIS out!

Gut Health & Happiness: This meal plan has changed my life (not to mention the 15inches and 9lbs gone in 4 weeks). I have learned how to properly fuel my body and eat in such a way where my energy is through the roof and I no longer have the tummy troubles I have come to just consider “normal.” Read more about it HERE and if you’re ready fill THIS out!

Or got questions? Let’s chat and customize a plan just for you!