Makeover Your Mindset March 2021

2021 - we had SUCH high hopes for you! And maybe it’s just me but it’s sort of looking like 2020 with a bad disguise and a fake ID🥸

That being said ya’ll KNOW I am the most practical optimist around so let’s make the best of it right? A step in the direction of happy and healthy ALWAYS starts with Mindset and a conscious decision that you’re done feeling like shit; restless sleep, too much wine, stressing over homeschooling, the kids are around TWENTY FOUR SEVEN and HOW MANY SNACKS do these tiny people need?!!??! #YaFeelMe

My Tips for Goal Setting and How to Make Exercise a Habit

I Will Not be Setting a New Years Resolution & Here’s Why I Don’t Think You Should Either.

Now before you get all up in arms I am 100% about setting goals and WORKING towards them but when it comes to NY resolutions people go to extremes and I feel like it might actually be doing more harm than good. The term New Years’ Resolutions actually has a negative stigma - it makes me think of temporary and if we’re all about getting better I want that shit to stick #AmIRight

Making Moves before the Ball Drops on 12/31 - Jingle Bells & Dumbbells

Know the one thing I hate about this time of year? People either completely INDULGE to the point of feeling GROSS or they go so strict they can’t enjoy the awesomeness of the season because they’re so STRESSED about staying on plan. What if you could lose a few lbs and end the worst year on the BEST note - before the ball drops on December 31st… AND still eat your mom’s famous pumpkin pie and have champs with friends?

"Are you THAT happy?"

“Happiness isn’t something you feel. It’s something you do.”

I won’t get too into it BUT I was recently asked by someone (who I considered to be pretty close to me) “you’re THAT happy?” (asked repeatedly as if I genuinely COULDN’T be that happy) and I thought to myself if someone who KNOWS me thinks I’m lying or living the highlight reel what do others think!?

And although I try to live my life not giving an F what people think about me - it’s been weighing REAL heavy on me because I haven’t always been happy and I have done a FUCKTON of work in this department and I wanted to share exactly what I did to get here.