The Rules for Quarantine with Young Kids: THERE ARE NO RULES.

The Rules for Quarantine with Young Kids: THERE ARE NO RULES.

There - did I give you a second of release?  A moment to BREATHE and not judge yourself, your homeschooling abilities or your momming (I mean WHEN was the last time I took soap to the middle one?!).  GOOD.  That’s what I’m here for and what I want to talk about.

This Quarantine is HARD.  I mean I’m a SAHM for Christ’s sake so WHY DOES THIS FEEL SO HARD I’m home with the kids anyways!? And on top of that I’m a homebody.  I PREFER staying home.

But then all of a sudden I’m told I CAN’T go places and I WANT TO GO EVERYWHERE and go back to every invite I turned down and do them ALL. (Sidenote I promise once this lifts if I’m invited somewhere I WILL GO).  I never realized how much an iced coffee from Dunks made my day or how much strolling through Target GENUINELY made me happy.

That doesn’t even include seeing our friends.  This one is big for the kids too.  They miss the interactions, the laughs, the compassion their teachers have (I lost mine like 3 weeks ago #oops).  I miss conversing with my friends over wine.  Zoom is awesome but it isn’t the same.

So here’s the thing.  This is unprecedented times.  And we are unfortunately Bill Murray

So for sanity sake I think we need to stop asking WHY it’s so hard and just accept that IT IS.  It’s scary. There is SO much unknown and all of that seeps into every aspect of our lives.

Now I want to free you of the comparison game on social media.  I see your weekly chart Karen and I raise you “my kids in clean underwear.”  But seriously.  The ONLY thing we should be focusing on is having more smiles then tears (the kids and yours) and getting through every day because that my friend IS ENOUGH.