It's Time to Get UNSTUCK...

I remember feeling so stuck just 9 short years ago…

My days were not my own - every day was a Groundhog Day of waking up HOURS before the sun to get my workout in, shower and catch the train to Boston (all before anyone was up) only to get home after my daughter was asleep with my parents and my husband working 24 hour shifts+ at the fire station. Talk about cog in the wheel.

My Daily Stack...

I want to start this by saying when I was first approached with at-home workouts I was a fitness instructor and INSULTED - like “Me?” Um no thank you, I don’t need that.

“Shakes?” No thanks again, I like to chew my food.

And here I am almost 8 years later using SEVEN products/supplements from a company I believe in so much it’s legit my FT gig. Now that isn’t required to enjoy the benefits from these products BUT just wanted to paint the picture of HOW MUCH I didn’t want or think I needed these but here I am feeling better than I ever have and wanted to share a little about each product I use and how they help!

Why Coaching...

I could talk about coaching for HOURS but listen, I understand direct sales is NOT the norm for most BUT it found me and I am forever grateful because it has become my norm. There are seasons in life and in this current season - with kids, their social lives and sports schedules - I honestly can’t even imagine doing anything else in my life.

SUNshine, GRIND & Unwind

Alright friends we’ve officially entered the second half of 2022 - WHAAAAAT? Yeah. I spent the first half of the year waiting for the summer and now it’s almost over!? Same?

First - don’t panic. Second I’m going to just throw this out there - I’m not “Waiting until Sept” to get back into a routine. Want to know why? Because let’s be honest - when we say we’ll start in Sept, it becomes Oct and then its almost the holidays and then BOOM 2023.

Summit Announcements

Last week I attended COACH SUMMIT with a few members of the B Team and I haven't quite put into words what it MEANT to me (our team was recognized for being the top .01% of the entire company! And let's put it out there - that has MORE to do with everyone in the B Team Community than me, so THANK YOU for being here) and I wanted to make sure you were aware of all of the RIDICULOUSLY exciting things coming your way!