It's Time to Get UNSTUCK...

I remember feeling so stuck just 9 short years ago…

My days were not my own - every day was a Groundhog Day of waking up HOURS before the sun to get my workout in, shower and catch the train to Boston (all before anyone was up) only to get home after my daughter was asleep with my parents and my husband working 24 hour shifts+ at the fire station. Talk about cog in the wheel. I left digital advertising (with ALL the support from my hubs) to teach pilates a few times a week and be home with our daughter.

After a few months I can NOT really put into words what happened - I MISSED adult conversations. I’d still be checking my phone (which I used to call my electronic leash - only to find sale emails for things I could no longer afford to buy). Days were SO LONG and here I am lucky enough to do what I wanted and I wasn’t HAPPY. WTF is wrong with me?

I was snoozing a LOT, eating snacks as meals because I took no time to meal prep, and ending my day scrolling social media. chugging gallons of wine No purpose, no passion… just stuck. 😟

At this time I started to incorporate T25 and shakeology into my pilates routine and my coach posted that she was hosting a Coach Sneak Peek, I almost scrolled past. I had been following her forever, told myself the opportunity wasn’t for me (I just left my 6 figure earning job to stay home - everyone already thought I was crazy - basically I watched from the sidelines. And this may sound weird but I’ve been an athlete my entire life. I THRIVE in a team environment - the HYPE, the SUPPORT, the LOVE but one thing I’m not used to is sitting on the sidelines.

Fast forward 8 years, I’m building a life that I felt so far away from before. I wake up excited for my day. I have a routine that I’m obsessed with. I look forward to working out and fueling my body the way it deserves. And I’m a part of a community of purpose + passion that I am so proud of. 🙌

All it took was a YES. One yes, to one short Sneak Peek. And I want to offer the same to you! You can start with THIS recording below and if you’re down you can also get access to my workouts AND get a taste of what it means to be a coach, share our incredible wellness products and the trainings included to build a purpose + passion of your own! Ready to say YES?