Why Coaching...

My people at our company’s event July 2022 - first time in person in 3 years.

I could talk about coaching for HOURS but listen, I understand direct sales is NOT the norm for most BUT it found me and I am forever grateful because it has become my norm.  There are seasons in life and in this current season - with kids, their social lives and sports schedules - I honestly can’t even imagine doing anything else in my life.

I always say I got into coaching for fitness but I stayed for the friendships and eight years later that’s more true than ever.  What’s the cheesy saying “Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe?” because I am a BIG believer in this… again because it’s my truth.  These ladies (and more that aren’t in the picture) are my every day.  We chat life, jobs, kids, husbands AND business.  They notice when I go quiet and check in - and I, them.

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Finding a lifestyle where you take time to pour into YOU and surround yourself with like minded people who never stop reminding you how awesome you are and by showing up exactly as you are; you’re already winning?  Sounds cheesy? It is - I thought so too, until I got out of my own way and EXPERIENCED it for myself.

Now enough about me and the mushy side of things (because seriously the community is HANDS DOWN THE BEST PART - see I can’t help myself) HERE are the main reasons Coaching with The B Team is hands down the best opportunity around…

  • Equal Playing Field:

    • Every single person who ever decides to start coaching starts at the same point (no customers, no sales etc) and that means there is NO difference between the top coach and YOU.  I am a big “If she can, I can” kinda girl.

  • Small Start Up Fee (IF ANY):

    • Ask any of your friends who own their own brick and mortar biz (or even some other direct selling companies - prob how we all get a bar reputation) how much it cost to get started.  Usually 100K or more.  Or if you ask friends who WANT to own their own biz what’s stopping them - it’s usually money.  Loans, Borrowing etc. it’s scary stuff.  Know what’s not - starting a biz with no earning cap for $39 WHICH GETS WAIVED IF YOU GRAB A TOTAL SOLUTIONS PACK which is the best bang for your buck anyways.  Also - we can start to earn that back the minute you sign up.

  • Your Success Depends ONLY on YOU:

    • To me, this is the differentiator between being successful and not.  When you sign up with the B Team I keep it REAL.  There is no coaching Money Tree in the backyard - your paycheck reflects your effort.  I also tell my team I will NEVER drag anyone BUT I will 100% match your effort!  That being said - and referring back to #1 - you want to run, change some lives and make some money - LFG.

My biz partners and I. We have absolutely no fun.

  • Immediate Mentorship:

    • The minute you are signed up you get access to ME and my Training Materials.  You will also get access to my business partners -> our teams have NO impact on each other but we have teamed up to run our businesses together which means our teams benefit NOT just from us (as their direct coach) but from 4 other TOP .02% teams of the company!  Some is self paced - some are fun competitive, ability to win prizes kinda (ya know on top of retail $) challenges. Either way we got options and you are NEVER in this alone.

  • Seniority Means Nothing:

    • Ever been in a job and you WANT a raise or to switch positions but there is a lifer in there and they aren’t going anywhere.  Yeah me too.  SUCKS, Frustrating - all the feels.  Or how about your friend that opens a coffee shop and theres already a Starbucks and a Dunks on the same block.  It’s going to be a LOT harder to be successful.  THAT is Seniority and that is NOT the case with coaching.  You want to sign up and run like a boss - there is NOTHING holding you back from hitting top coach, 4 figure weeks - whatever your goal is, in ANY TIME.  Again, YOUR effort. We have people who have reached the top in the company in WEEKS, is that the norm? nope - but it’s doable. We have others on the 30 year plan - again, this fits your life its NOT your life.

  • The Money You Earn is 100% Up To You

    • I feel like I already said this BUT It’s my job to help you maximize whatever time you can give this.  If you want to make $20 a week AWESOME, $200 - Great, $2,000 even better, LFG.  All of these are possible BUT the action items and our check in schedules are going to reflect your goals because we all have different goals and different action is required to get there unlike Corporate America where you want a raise you normally have to wait the year to “see how the company did” and “have your work reviewed.”  Not in coaching. You want a raise - GO GET IT.

  • Less Risk

    • Did you know 8 out of 10 small businesses fail.  Geeeeeesh. Want to own your own biz?  I have friends who have taken out loans, money against their house, out of savings - these are REAL LIFE THINGS that add stress.  Now not only do you have to succeed but your kids college $ is in there S0 YOU BETTER SUCCEED.  Again stressful - but with this biz you can try things out, don’t like it, try to run it a different way.  The ONLY thing you’re paying for is product you use - and if you’re going to do this as a biz you should be USING the products right?

  • You’re Your Own Boss:

    • Want to go on vacation, check your calendar vs.  Requesting vacation time only possibly to be denied.  Kid is sick? Staying home and shifting my day around.  This is something I will NEVER take for granted after not having it for so long.

I could go on and on on and on about this, seriously, but these are the big things - if you want to hear it from a few of the B Teamers take a listen and if you’re curious fill this out and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours!