Falling into Mindfulness

We blinked - summer was over and it was back to school…now the Halloween decor is out and I’m unsure how to feel about it. As a New Englander I wont lie, Fall is my Fav - the flannels, the warm drinks as my college roommate used to say “tis the season to accessorize” BUT I’m still not ready yet.

This time of year can get so busy, that life just turns into a constant to-do list and moving from one thing to another. 🤪 Then winter comes and the days feel long, winter blues set in and every day starts to feel like ground hog day. 

Have you been there too? Maybe you already feel that way now, or maybe you don’t even realize that you are just going through the motions of life. How do you really know? Here’s some signs you may be living life on auto-pilot...

If even a few of the things in the lest -> describe you, it’s time to start living a more mindful or intentional life! 💕 Because auto-pilot is no way to live. But what does it mean to live with more mindfulness? 🤔 

Mindfulness is “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something” and “a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.” 

Let’s get ahead of it before the holidays hit us, so we can be fully present and our happiest, healthiest selves and part of THAT is also finding movement we enjoy, meals that leave us FULL, satisfied and energized to slay our to do lists and more! So on top of the mindfulness focus you will also get the following:

  • 1-year subscription to BODi: Hundreds of workout programs, LIVE workouts & more (they range from 5-1hour+)

  • 20-day supply of Shakeology: hands down the best meal replacement on the market. Read more HERE

  • 20-day supply of Energize: All natural, green-tea pre-workout that is literally my life saver. Read more HERE

  • Tools and recipes to support your healthy eating plans

  • FREE access to 2 Super Blocks - pick from your favorite programs, remade

Above is what is offered in our best bang for your buck Starter Pack across the network BUT below is the additives you get when you join with me or another member of the B Team!

A 24 hour Virtual Gym: Sometimes having friends makes the workout go by just a little quicker eh? This is NOT a requirement BUT if you do want the virtual company we got you! Schedules have been a little all over the place with the holidays BUT we usually have a 430a, 5am, 6am and lunchtime consistency crew and with people all over the US (and various countries there is usually a friendly face on and working!)

Recipes: I know one of the BIGGEST things I hear is “I am bored with healthy eating” and HELLO. HOLD THE PHONE! I provide a meal plan (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks) with sporadic recipes, shopping lists and 2B and UPF equivalents. And I might be biased BUT they are BOMB.

Personal Fall Chat Pod: Starting something new can be overwhelming BUT it doesn’t have to be! This small pod is one way to have direct access to me AND some new fit friends who are just starting out. We ask questions, share sweaty selfies, wins, struggles And more!

Instagram & FB Trackers: Sometimes sharing publicly helps us stay just a little more accountable so why not make them extra pretty! You’re doing WORK - be proud of yourself!

It all comes down to deciding what you want your life, health and wellness to look and feel like, and then just deciding to just begin. The first step is the hardest one. If you need help taking it, I’m here to help you boldly step into your new beginning just fill out THIS FORM and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours! I’m feeling so excited + inspired in planning this challenge, and would love to take on Fall with you!