Ok let's talk about the Shake you always drink...

SHAKEOLOGY is my daily lunch shake that literally changed how I feel from the inside out!

It's made from over 70 whole superfoods from around the world, so it replaces my vitamin and probiotic, fills me up, gives me natural energy, and tastes BOMB!

It’s all natural, nothing artificial with the absolute highest quality ingredients dried to keep their nutritional integrity!  

I would not be lying if I said it’s one of the main reasons I get out of bed in the morning.  My OB approved it as a prenatal vitamin through both pregnancies and while breastfeeding! For me, it helped to keep my milk supply strong!  I actually had an under supply and had to supplement earlier than I liked with Em and with the boys I had an oversupply - not saying it’s the shakes but IMO it’s the shakes.

What sets it apart is that there are NO GMOs, soy, artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors, or preservatives! The ingredients are sourced from all over the world and the Shakeology creators regularly visit the farmers to test the soil and ensure the best farming practices are being followed, which I LOVE!

“Ok, I am IN but do I need the Shakeology?”

My honest answer will always be YES.

When chatting with ladies about the B Team Bootcamp this comes up a lot and trust me I have never and WILL NEVER recommend something I don't use AND LOVE myself.  It’s also safe to say I had my own concerns when I started 6 years ago - and honestly I can say now; it was a little fear based.  Scared of going all-in and spending that extra money each month.

Trust me, I did NOT want or HAVE the extra money to spend on “this shake thing” when I started. I had just left my job in advertising, I had a kid and a brand new house to take care of! Who did I think I was?

But then I tried it.



So because I am a direct person let’s get right to it…

Why You Should Trust Me & Order The Freaking Shake Already

But seriously, I want to share with you the benefits of Shakeology.

Shakeology Helps With Food Cravings

Cravings are caused by a lack of specific nutrients in your body, and Shakeology is what I like to refer to as a “gap-filler” in our nutrition. Because of how our food is grown and raised (even if organic) it's simply deficient in naturally occurring vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants.

By fueling your body with this shake each day — your body, on its own, will stave off cravings. #winning

Different types of cravings are your body’s way of letting your mind know what it needs — it’s just not great at translating the message. When you’re craving something salty, for example, your body is really lacking certain minerals, and that bag of potato chips is going to do NOTHING to change that.

It will make following the nutrition plan that comes with your workouts and shake so much easier. You won’t have to worry about accidentally “cheating” because a craving got the best of you.  I mean let’s be honest - it’s still going to happen BUT now it’s up to ME when I want to treat myself.

It’s A Total No-Brainer Meal

Hey Mama’s and busy ladies - I’m looking at you.  Sometimes thinking about all the meals each day is a LOT and Shakeology is just so quick and easy.

Get out your blender, toss in some frozen veggies (cauliflower and spinach work great), add fruit, a scoop of Shakeology, some almond milk, and you’ve got yourself a meal!

Think about it - most people skip a meal *GASP.*  Worst thing you can do.  Seriously we spend our entire lives thinking less is more when it comes to eating and it’s actually just the opposite.  When you don’t eat ENOUGH your body goes into hibernation mode CLINGING to every calorie you give it - ever been at a plateau no matter what you do? Yup. been there.

Did I mention it is hands down THE MOST NUTRITIOUS meal you can make with one hand (cuz I am ALWAYS holding a baby and breaking up fights with the other #multitasking)

You’ll Have Enough Energy For Your Workouts

You’ll never get through any program if you don’t have enough energy to work out!

It’s not like coffee where you’ll feel super-energized for an hour after and then CRASH. Instead, Shakeology contains whole food nutrients that provide your body with sustainable energy throughout the day so we’re not just getting through our workouts we’re getting through our DAYS.

It Reduces Bloating and Helps Keep You “Regular”

Is there anything more disappointing than working out and eating right, only to look in the mirror and feel bloated and “fluffy” because your digestion is out of whack.

Shakeology is loaded with fiber and probiotics to help keep everything flowing the way it should (and no it’s not going to make you run to the bathroom). It eliminates bloating and keeps you feeling GOOD!

I Use It Daily to Get My Results

I am pretty blunt so I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I have used Shakeology daily for over 6 years so if you’re ever been motivated by my results I MUST recommend to you what I did each day to achieve them!

No cutting corners, no excuses — drink the shake! Trust me, it will pay off long-term!

There are REAL reasons why there are hundreds and thousands of customers and Coaches who are Shakeology-lifers. I've been drinking it almost daily since 2010!

It is not a protein shake — it is so much more. Prior to my Shakeology experience, I was an amateur when it came down to nutrition. Shakeology and the power of real food nutrition opened my eyes to a new World.

Still want more?  Ok GOOD - I could talk about this ALL Damn Day!  

Here’s a general breakdown of the 5-part formula each serving of Shakeology contains…

1. Super Protein Blend.   Proteins are made of amino acids (building blocks of protein) and honestly all proteins are not created equal!  Every protein source has a different amino acid profile and our body needs a variety of profiles for different reasons!  When we hear protein we think muscles BUT protein also benefits our cartilage, joints, ligaments, bone health and cellular regeneration.  

  • This part of your shakeology will change depending on if you order the vegan formula or if you order the regular whey protein. In both cases, there is a protein complex used to develop the protein aspect of this shake. Even in the whey protein shakeology flavors, the other superfood plant based proteins are included. And NO SOY! Woohoo! The whey that is used is exclusively from pastured, grass-fed cows and processed at a low-temperature to ensure nutrient retention. This is AWESOME and often overlooked in most protein formulas.

2. Super fruit/ Antioxidant Blend

  • I’m sure you’ve heard of antioxidants, they are popular for their anti-aging, cellular regenerating, and heart health properties. I wish I had the time to explain to you the benefit of each of the ingredients listed in this category. Just know…your vitamin C tabs have NOTHING on these superfood powerhouses! Beachbody has included the ALL-STARS of immune boosting antioxidants in this blend. Camu Camu ALONE is insane not to mention goji berry, acerola cherry, and then there’s ROSE HIPS which SPECIFICALLY are paired with high vitamin C herbs to enhance our body’s ability to absorb all that C goodness!

3. Super Green/ Phytonutrient Blend

  • “Phyto”= plant – “nutrient”= the stuff that makes you a super human! Super greens are like miniature gift bags exploding at the seams with all sorts of benefits for your machine of a body. These supergreens aid in detoxification, purification, and alkalinization of the body. They feed our cleansing powerhouses (liver and kidneys) to function optimally and create homeostasis in our body.

4. Adaptogen Blend

  • Americans have the special characteristic that most other countries don’t quite have….we are all SO freaking stressed out all the time! We’re so stressed that we don’t even realize we’re stressed because stress is our “normal”. Go to Europe, and you’ll know what I’m talking about. We all move at a million miles a minute, are worried about deadlines, dates, projects, work, appointments, etc…we rarely rest. Well, guys, when we live these awesome lives of ours, we burn out our hormones, especially our adrenal glands (The adrenals control the release of the stress hormone cortisol and have a domino effect on the rest of our sex hormones as well as our thyroid hello #Hashimotos). The herbs in this formula are in a class of their own called adaptogenic herbs. This essentially means that they help bring us back to baseline. If you are stressed & anxious, they’ll help bring you down; if you’re lagging, depressed, and have no energy, they’ll help bring you up. It’s that simple. These amazing herbs help NOURISH our hormonal system to find homeostasis, which in turn revs up our metabolism and helps us (especially women) lose that dreaded belly fat! These adaptogenic herbs go above and beyond helping with hormonal balance and stress management and I know I can always use more of that.

5. Prebiotics, Probiotics, & Digestive Enzymes

  • The superstars of gut & immune health, these suckers are vital to decrease belly bloat and improve digestive function, moving out the gunk and creating a healthy flora within the intestines for optimal absorption of key nutrients. There is a theory that all disease starts in the gut. The gut is where we absorb our nutrients and where we can create toxic sludge. If damaged, the digestive system can make our lives miserable! 70% of the immune system resides within the digestive system, which also makes addressing this area HUGE in preventing disease and illnesses of any kind. It simply cannot be overlooked in order to achieve optimal health. The probiotics available in Shakeology are specifically chosen and designed to survive the stomach acid and make their journey to the small intestines where they are really needed to clean house and heal the intestinal lining. Enzymes are also SO very important in aiding the body with absorption, decreasing inflammation, and so many other important benefits. THIS formula is why so many find digestive aid when they start Shakeology. It’s bomb.com.

Now that I’ve addressed the various formulas available in Shakeology, I also want to inform you that the QUALITY of these ingredients are held to an incredibly high standard. Remember I mentioned above that all ingredients are continuously tested to make sure they are not contaminated by GMO’s (SUPER IMPORTANT TO AVOID!), and that they are grown in nutrient rich soil free from toxins and pesticides. Do you know how HARD that is to find these days?! 

If you haven’t noticed already, the price of this bad-ass formula is incredibly reasonable for what you’re getting in each serving. If you were to purchase each of these 5 formulas separately, even ON SALE, you’d spend WAAAAY more than what you’d spend on Shakeology, even before the coach discount! I did the math and it would cost between $180-$220 for a one-month supply of all of these nutrients separately

Now let’s talk science and research real quick!

Did you know in 2014, Beachbody paid for a third party clinical trial to be done on Shakeology? An actual science based, controlled study on the effects Shakeology alone had on participants. This study consisted of 50 participants who were selected after a rigorous selection process. The requirements? To drink Shakeology twice a day for 90 days. That’s it. No change in diet, no change in exercise.


Shedding pounds.

Turns out, when participants drank Shakeology for breakfast they had a significant reduction in the desire to eat lunch. Over the course of 90 days participants lost an average of 9.3 pounds, with the highest weight loss coming in at 24 pounds. WOW—losing that much weight in 90 days is quite impressive!

Another interesting fact about the results is that participants continued to lose weight throughout the entire study. This shows that the continuous use of Shakeology resulted in the healthy type of weight loss—slow and steady. And those are the kind of results that are sustainable for the long haul.

Cholesterol plummeted.

In addition to lowering the digits on the scale, another very important number that shrunk was participants’ cholesterol. The average total cholesterol reduction was 7% with the maximum reduction being 50%.

Lowered blood sugar.

The study also monitored participants’ blood sugar levels. And rather than testing just a single day’s blood sugar (which can vary based on what you ate that day or even the day before) the study evaluated the average blood sugar for each day over the 3-month period (also known as HbA1c). Turns out, participants reduced their blood sugar (HbA1c) by an average of 5% while some reduced their numbers by up to 19%. And keeping your blood sugar levels steady is important in helping reduce the risk of diabetes.

For complete details on the study head here!

And if you’re ready to give it a go shoot me an email at byoufitinfo@gmail.com and

we can customize a plan JUST FOR YOU!
