Let's Chat Tea...

So is it weird I am SO open about my life, my days - the good and the downright UGLY haha- I felt like I was keeping a secret by using something and not talking about it BUT I wanted to have my own real experience before I spoke about it.

I saw a bunch of peeps talking about this purple detox tea and I would be lying if I wasn’t immediately intrigued - they were speaking my 40+ language; period bloat, brain fog, irritated, always tired…. #Glamorous

So I ordered and kept it on the DL until I realized I was telling everyone I talked to because things like “You look great” and “you look happier” were starting to be thrown at me and I realized the two things I did was:

1. Took the pressure off of my workouts and started to do whatever I WANTED vs. what the calendar dictated

2. Added in TrimFit.

I can ALWAYS help with #1 and the mindset tips I rocked and trackers I utilized to help make the switch (Hi! Recovering people pleaser who LIVES to follow rules). I am also happy to say I can ALSO help with 2!

HOW to order is down the end BUT if you wanna learn more I want to drop some info for you!

TrimFit was designed to be that energy giver, fat burner, excess calorie avoider, and mood enhancer that you need it your life right now. To live your best day. Today and every day.

Kenyan Purple Tea

Kenyan Purple Tea This leaf is grown in the Nandi Hills region of Kenya at elevations between 4,500 and 7,500 feet. Because of being constantly exposed to high levels of UV rays, this plant produces extremely high levels of antioxidants that protect the leaves from damage.

Purple tea leaf contains a unique polyphenol that is exclusive to this plant. It is called GHG (1,2-di-galloyl-4,6- hexahydroxydiphenoyl-D-glucose. Ya, we will just be calling it GHG from now on). This has been shown to break down fats so the body can easily digest them. Decrease fat mass. Increase lean body mass. We like that.

Indian Caralluma Fimbriata

This is an edible cactus from India. It has been used for thousands of years in Indian culture to help suppress appetite during long hunts and times of famine. What? You aren’t planning on a long hunt or famine anytime soon? Here is the good news. This is best known for its appetite-suppressing effect. It increases the release of the energy molecule ATP into the hypothalamus which is the part of the brain that regulates appetite control. What does this mean to you? Less snacking on empty calories. More control over what you eat and how often you eat. This forces your body to burn fat reserves, potentially leading to weight loss.

Trim Fit contains:
Purple Tea
Caralluma Fimbriata
Ascorbic Acid
Citric Acid
Natural Flavors
Natural Color
Gum Acacia
Rice Fiber

Contains 130mg of caffeine per serving. A 12 ounce can of Diet Coke contains 46mg of caffeine and a 12 ounce cup of coffee contains approximately 140mg of caffeine per serving.

• Gluten Free • Dairy Free • No Artificial Colors • No Artificial Flavors

If you are pregnant or nursing, we suggest consulting a physician before taking any supplement.

You can grab yours HERE BECKYPARKER to save 15% or use THIS LINK to sign up as an affiliate (discounted products and comissions if your friends try). Got questions? Comment below or send me a message on IG