The First Pilates & Pinot is in the BOOKS!

Yesterday was my debut event and I SWEAR I am still riding the high…


Even a case of the stomach bug for Em and a few loads of laundry couldn’t bring me back to reality.  Or wait - could it?

Yesterday did more for me than I can even put to words so we’re just going to start typing and see where this goes (says every blogger everywhere).

First off - I was SO NERVOUS. And I mean I have taught thousands of classes so that wasn’t it.  But every class I’ve ever taught has been associated with another studio or another method and this time, this 55 minutes was ALL ME.  

I designed the class with intentional sequencing to work the muscles in the way I think is BEST.

So taking that and giving it to people - that ish is TERRIFYING.  

What if my people didn’t like the changes I made to what they might be used to, what if the new faces were disappointed, what if it wasn’t hard enough…

I think if we’re being honest there’s a level of this doubt before EVERY class… if there isn’t are we really putting ourselves fully into each class? Pushing boundaries keeping it new etc.?  BUT the normal nerves that keep me in love with teaching ( closet #adrenalinejunkie) were times 10 UNTIL I saw my first familiar face.

Then the cars keep coming in and with each one a smiling face and I just became GIDDY excited.  Did I mention my MOM AND MY BEST FRIEND came - this was their first time they saw me do my thang and having them there meant the absolute world to me.  And after them and the remaining cars came up the fears slowly fell away and with every beat of my playlist I felt more and more in my element.

So these 55 mins in the sun, with all of the grunts and moans set to my favorite tunes I was reminded WHY I love being an instructor so much.  I LOVE being around ladies and gents pushing themselves outside of their comfort zones, maybe trying something new, maybe trying to perfect their form; WHATEVER - they’re taking a full hour out of the craziness of life to do something for THEMSELVES.  And I just find that SO inspiring!

Now here is where the biggest revelation of the day came…


Not in an ownership kinda way - but in a genuine, let’s hang out, we have the same vibe type-a people.  Anyone else ever think that finding friends when you’re an adult is like dating - legit you spend a few mins with someone and you just know “nah I’m all set with more of this in my life” or adversely “I NEEEEEED more of this person, energy, vibe in my life STAT”

So after a nice sweaty workout with some DELICIOUS rosé and new blends “HELLO SHADES OF GREY!” I was having happy, conversations with ladies (some new, some #lifers) and everyone was telling stories of their daily lives - jobs, families, fresh kids etc.

The conversation that stood out the most was one where at this ripe ol’ age of 37 we are genuinely making decisions that align with how we want to feel - as scary as that can be.  To realize this life isn’t a practice run and we spend TOO MUCH time doing “what we think we should be doing” without even asking ourselves if this is what we really WANT to be doing, is so freeing - and to do it in a group of ladies who SHARE these sentiments; it's mind-blowing in the BEST way possible.

So what I’m walking away from this day with is the fact that I always knew in my head I should be confident and not care about what others thought (don't we all?) BUT I wasn't REALLY there.  

HOWEVER - SAFE TO SAY - this is a practiced place because I started walking the walk (telling myself to believe in myself, and helping others do the same) and BOOM I look around and I am FINALLY here.  

And I am finding that by putting myself out there - free of judgement, caring or without a single F to give - my people hear it and I think they like what I’m putting down.

SO long story short - thank you to everyone who came yesterday and played a role in this monumental memory of mine.  My only regret is NOT being able to talk to each and every one of you longer XOXO

And back to that vibe I’ve been putting out there because I doubted it at first BUT I see now.  I will take that whisper of a voice up a decibal because I NEED the other FITish, OCD, introverted extroverted ladies out there that are equally obsessed with girls night as they are their nuggets or fur babies, to know a few things -> dry shampoo is my bff, my car is a HOT MESS (I’d like to think I’d survive in a zombie apocolypse with snacks and dirty workout wear), I wear the SAME 3 outfits when I leave the house and as often as I want a night out of the house the minute I’m out Im scrolling pics of my kids - and most importantly I’m HERE waiting to meet YOU!