How to Workout at Home (with kids)


So I got a text from a friend today that said “I think for your next blog post you should do a how to work from home with kids.  I’m serious. We all need your expertise”

My reply - I’m not sure I have anything to offer other than you have to stop giving a shit.

And the more I thought about it and although that may be the biggest part of home workouts, I DO have a few other ideas so keep reading for my top tips for working out at home with mini humans.

First I’ll say this - getting into a workout routine is HARD enough. 

Add in kids or this whole new WFH situation and it can feel damn near impossible. Don’t panic.  Whatever your situation, I’ve been working out mostly at home for the past 5 years - through 2 pregnancies and three kids, so; I got you!

Run the Day or the Day Runs you.

Before Ronin came along I was KILLING my morning workouts.  It was with militant precision. Alarm 445am, water, pre workout and clothes in the bathroom so while I had my morning pee (TMI? Sorry not sorry) I would POUND my pre-workout and get changed and by 505am I was ready and the pre-workout was starting the good tingle.

The idea behind this one is the longer you wait the less motivated you get.  So this way it’s the first thing done - extra benefit of starting your day with a good choice is the rest of the choices tend to follow suit.  

Also if you’re also expected to work from home I would hope your meetings aren’t starting before 6am.

I know it sucks - sleep is life but honestly the quiet cup of coffee post workout is motivation enough to get up.

What’s your Plan

The only way we’re going to make it through these new circumstances is with planning.  This means plan your days AND your workouts. Let’s take the first one. Sunday night - or whatever day/night makes the most sense to your schedule I want you to look at your week in its entirety.  Block off ALL the necessities - work, homeschool (WTF), house upkeep and me time (a la workout!). Now things will come up but these are apptointments. Especially that workout - we don’t break meetings with our boss.

In life - hello 3 kids -I can only handle so much.  Tell me what to do. There is NOTHING worse than waking up and then spending wasted time deciding what you’re going to do.  This is one of my favorite parts of my at-home workouts. They are designed by the pros to maximize results - they come with a calendar on what to do and you can plan accordingly.

INCLUDE the Kids

If you have to workout WITH the kids the BEST thing you can do is include them in it and MAKE IT FUN!  If you follow me you can see our new favorite thing is our Triller videos while I make my preworkout. Em and Cullen fight over picking the song and honestly whats better than a family dance party? If you do them too tag me so we can see you get your groove on - I’m @MrsBeckyParker over on IG.

Some days - and only if age allows - let them workout WITH you.  Sometimes I give Cullen my 2lb weights or even better water bottles.  They can join you in getting out some of that energy.

I also have a program designed just FOR kids - let me know if you want deets!

And lastly maybe offer their own workout AFTER yours. Beachboy opened up our Kids section WITHOUT a registration - head here for a kid focused workout. YT is an awesome resource - we’re also a fan of Cosmic Kids 


Yup.  I’m not above it.  “If Mommy can get her workout in you can watch your ipad” or “If you help me entertain your brothers I’ll let you stay up 20 mins later then them tonight”… Works like a charm.


Contain the crawlers

This is the hardest one in my opinion.  I try to give Ro enough time roaming before I contain him in a play thing with LOTS of puffs nearby.  I’ve also utilized the high chair and the pack n play. The main thing is tons of snacks and little toys.  All the throwing and picking up the toys/snacks is just extra cardio HA

But sometimes he is having NO part of it and the bribery from #4 will only work with Em if he’s in the mood so this can be the most frustrating one.  Especially when my preworkout already kicked in and now I’m just playing with a baby ready to rock. #Momlife

Set Realistic Expectations

Honestly my house looks like a bomb went off most of the time BUT my kids are in clean clothes, they’re fed and they’re loved upon every single day.

And maybe we live out of laundry baskets, grabbing dishes from the dishwasher as we need them and I have no idea the last time I washed my hair was - BUT I don’t care, to me - my sanity comes from my workouts so SOMETHING has to give. It’s OK to prioritize this. I repeat; it’s OK to prioritize this 30 mins FOR YOU.

Support Group

This is the Game changer.  When you’re in the studio - there is a competitiveness that keeps me pushing just a liiiiiittle bit further and longer.  Switching to home workouts can mean you are actually giving it say 75% instead of 100% It’s ok - just takes a little mindset work.

Another way for me to get that extra push is my bootcamp.  There is NOTHING like a private, judge-free group of like-minded peeps CELEBRATING your wins and relating to your tough days.  And I’ll be honest no one has EVER checked on me when I haven't shown up to the gym in awhile like “hey where you at? I haven't seen you post that you got your workout in today.” or maybe a “saw that salad you posted in your stories - GOOD choice” this happens on the daily.  And it means everything.

And lastly I want you to give yourself some grace.  Motivation is harder (there’s laundry that needs to be folded, the couch looks so comfy or someone is always needing to be wiped {I swear they time their poops} BUT every day I still show up and I am proud of myself and I want YOU to get to this place too.

Life is hard.  Parenting is hard.  Working is hard. Staying on top of your workout regimen is hard.  Blurring the lines that used to be between those things leaves a chaos that's ALMOST impossible to navigate so I leave you with this…

Just move. Make a plan and move.  Movement is sanity. Movement is medicine and everyone needs us to be the best version of ourselves even if this current version involves a LOT of unexpected things; SAHM, homeschooling mom - the list goes on.  I PROMISE tackling the list will be easier if we’re pouring from a full cup. (and then know that said cup will be filled with wine RIGHT when the clock strikes 5pm because again; this shit is HARD).

And if you want to join the B-Team Bootcamp request access here and I’ll be in touch shortly.

Hang in there Mamas, We got this!