"How Do You Feel About Yourself as a Person?"

How do you feel about yourself as a person.

I signed up to be mentored by one of the bests in Network Marketing - who; lucky ME, also happens to be like my great great grandfather coach!? Anywho - I had an opportunity to be coached 1-1 this week and I went into it, pen in hand READY for the tidbit that would change my business and when I finished explaining my business to the larger group I was hit with this question.  

My response: “Oh shit thats deep”

I wasn’t ready for it. I was ready to talk about EVERY INCH of my biz but THIS? It was COMPLETELY out of left field.  I’ll spare you the details but after an extremely long talk with one of my biz besties and rewatching the recording of myself talking, I am having a lot of feels and I wanted to bring it here.  (Doesn’t everyone take to the World Wide Web to work through their ISH? Oh just me!? Cool… let’s keep going)

I am a perfectionist. I thrive on being the hardest worker in the room and I live for recognition.  Unfortunately this bleeds into all aspects of my life - and with coaching being a VERY BIG part of my life it means that I also try to control the outcome of my efforts, my teams efforts and my challengers efforts.  

I take it on.  I wear it; both GOOD and BAD, and when you have a year like I’ve had - little pandemic blues, broken leg, missed biz goals, a few extra lbs added with injury - it leaves me feeling “less then” for lack of a better term.  

As we continued on the topic of us, as humans, wanting to have it all figured out came up.  We want to have certainty in life and when we can’t - we try to work harder, we may pivot and pick a completely new goal, we can get burnt out, we can give up or we can start thinking we will never be able to XYZ.

And this cycle continues until we forget why we even started.  We forget why we signed up for “this”.  All of the “ because this concept can apply to ANYTHING; a business, a relationship etc. etc.

I feel like we just scratched the surface on this and I am ECSTATIC to dive deeper - I have had nothing but time this year and although working on yourself is HARD, I am here for it in ALL aspects starting with starting to slow down just a little bit and just BE.

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” ― Carl R. Rogers

Coaching is so much more than fitness and if you ever want to take this journey with me I would love friends.