How to Have a Healthy AND Delicious Holiday

Did you know it IS possible to have a Healthy AND Delicious Thanksgiving?  And truthfully Holiday Season...

I know. I swear it is.


If you’re curious how I make it through the Holidays with a “balanced” mindset I share my top tips AND a few funny outtakes from our family photoshoot below!


  1. Planning.  If you fail to plan you plan to fail #knowwhatimsaying Truthfully this takes a few minutes and can even be fun!  Are you hosting? Attending? Whatever you’re doing research a healthier alternative to fan favorites!  I think you’d be surprised how many people actually are EXCITED to try a little healthier version.  It also allows people to fill up on veggies instead of the high caloric stuff that has us crawling for the couch.  And if you need some suggestions I have a LOT of AMAZING recipes in my current Two Weeks to Turkey group that I would love to share!

  2. Make time for exercise.  Now whether this means a designated sweatfest before you host or attend OR incorporating a little physical play into the day - think a long walk with the fam, a little touch football with the kids or even an easy game of Turkey Tag. (thats not really a thing BUT just a test to see if you’re still reading ;) )

  3. Eat before you go.  Some people tend to skip breakfast and lunch if they know theyre feasting later BUT this just leads to over eating and uncomfortableness.  Try to keep to your normal eating regimen and most definitely have a snack before you go.  I personally will be rocking my superfoods because ain’t NOTHING curbs the cravings like Shake-O. (if you want to try for yourself holler at me!)

  4. Stay hydrated.  Alternate a tall glass of H20 between high caloric drinks or alcohol.  This will help keep you fuller AND away from the extra calories.

  5. Know your 1 thing.  I NEVER support a deprivation mindset.  If you’re a dessert person or maybe green bean casserole is your thing - YOU eat that thing and you enjoy EVERY freaking second of it.  It’s not like you make it every day right? (RIGHT?!)  If you do why don’t you skip #5 and read right onto 6.

  6. Remind yourself WHY you’re there. It’s for your family and friends NOT for the appetizer bar.  Focus on the convo and company and less on filling your plate.

  7. No leftovers.  Self explanatory no?

And lastly and probably MOST importantly… building off of #7.  Cut yourself some slack.  This is one day of the year so maybe you overate even with ALL of the attempts to reel it in - it’s OK.  Tomorrow is a new day BUT let’s keep the leftovers at the scene of the crime ok?

Happy Thanksgiving from my circus to yours XOXOX Becky