Finding Your Tribe - Retreat Recap


“Plenty of people will think you're crazy, no matter what you do. Don't let that stop you from finding the people who think you're incredible—the ones who need to hear your voice, because it reminds them of their own. Your tribe. They're out there. Don’t let your critics interfere with your search for them.” ― Vironika Tugaleva

Well ain’t this just the truth AND coming off of a weekend with part of my tribe I am SO freaking grateful I told that little voice inside my head - YOU KNOW THE ONE - to shut it and really GO for this!

Our fearless leader put together this retreat for myself and a couple of other ladies on the team, who also earned it, through ya know “helping people” -> as if that wasn’t reward enough. We were spoiled with personalized THOUGHTFUL gifts (I’ll get into this a little more later) quality training (she flew contacts from Corporate in) and also a local Maine Elite Coach to share some tips and tricks of the trade with us - ALL on top of team bonding events.

I am NOT crafty AT ALL - but we made shirts where we were only allowed to use one word to best describe us.  Immediately I wanted authentic but this was a shirt not a towel HAHA so after bouncing it off some friends I went with REAL.  

The definition of REAL is: /ˈrē(ə)l/ adjective: (of a substance or thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine.

Authenticity and “Realness” is SO freaking important to me and I want to tell you WHY...  

On a daily basis everyone interacts with 3 people on the average - that was before social media so let’s just multiply that by 200 (I know VERY scientific here).  Do the math - that’s a LOT of people we come across on the daily. Some intentional, some we’re actively apart of and some we're completely unaware of.

There are TOO MANY PEOPLE out there trying to be who they THINK people want them to be, or saying things they THINK people want to hear but that’s not REALly who they are or what they REALly believe deep down inside OR behind closed doors.  

And THIS is the main reason I make it my mission as a fitness professional (AND a mother) to ALWAYS be real, authentic and genuine.  

What happens when you find out a place, person or whatever isn’t what you thought they were. You get disappointed. You question yourself, your ability to gauge situations/people etc. and truthfully, it just hurts.


I say this ONLY because I’ve been there.  

In relationships with family and friends, work situations and probably more I've repressed - and it's happened a LOT more times than I can count - BUT I REFUSE to ever impact someone or something in that way.

Well this blog just took a whole new tangent BUT I’m going with it - > Life is HARD. We are let down enough on the daily… friend cancels last minute plans, traffic makes you late to pick up your kid, sickness, you lost a $20 bill, just being a parent in general - WHATEVER. Life is tough.  

I lived a LONG part of my life being a negative nancy.  You know the kind - Always thinking the worst BEFORE the good, worrying about things that hadn’t even happened yet and telling myself I was ok with certain situations in my life because I thought “this is how it’s supposed to happen.”

Here we come full circle -> Coaching and diving deeper into the health and wellness field has taught me otherwise.

Surrounding yourself with people who CHOOSE to be positive in an already hard enough life, people who CHOOSE to lift others up HOWEVER they can and people who DECIDE they are WORTH it to also show themselves that same love… THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE I want to be around.

And this weekend I was.

Going back to the gifts - we received a picture frame with a pic of our family in it.  So we could put it up in this gorgeous mansion and pretend we actually lived there - JK - to remind ourselves WHY we do this.  I do this FOR my family. To show them I can follow my passions and be stronger than ever mentally, physically AND financially all while making sure the laundry is done, kids schedules are on point and ya know just doing all the #mom things.  

Love Notes:  Now we spend our days empowering others and sometimes it’s oh so hard to pour from an empty cup and sometimes the cups so empty I can’t even see it.  We took a few hours and wrote a personalized note for every person there. Just a little something for them to read about themselves when they’re having an off day.  It has taken EVERY inch of my control to not open it up but I am saving it for one of those days because I KNOW it’ll be here before I know it.

Exercises like this and spending time like this with people who live a similar life - balancing momlife with being a CEO of our own business is just so invigorating.  It’s raw, emotional and just so freaking fire lighting. (I say freaking a lot I’m realizing but what’s a girl to do thesaurus “freaking?” and I’m just not going to!)

Here are a few of my fav pictures from this weekend and if you’re still reading I will leave you with this - whether we meet in the studio, on the street or via Social Media I PROMISE you I will be WHOEVER you need me to be - because we all need someone right?  

Want to feel better physically or mentally?  Let’s get moving. I will hold your hand and remind you just how strong you are and most importantly WHY you wanted to feel better.  Maybe you’re looking to make a little side income while simultaneously helping others do the same - I got you.

Lastly - what I do has hands down changed my life.  It’s not always easy (no job is) but this one was made JUST for me and I love it with every fibre of my being.  Know what I love more? Sharing it - in ANY aspect with anyone curious. And I know for a fact my #tribe is ALWAYS looking for more friends!