Four Weeks to Fit

As we head into the month of LOVE and SELF LOVE and all the cheesy stuff I want you to look past that (if you can haha) and think about it just a liiiiiittle bit bigger.

I talk to ladies, mostly moms, every single day and the words I consistently hear are HEAVY, OVERWHELMED and sometimes the worst of all; numb. I am an empath, I FEEL EVERYTHING (blessing and a curse) so when we as people get to a point of apathy or numbness it KILLS ME - seriously is there ANYTHING WORSE?

But that being said I GET IT. NOBODY is expected to navigate a pandemic, a job, a family, a LIFE - the list goes on. But here’s the truth - it’s where we’re at.

SO now that we’ve cried a lot, had a few too many adult beverages (just me!?) and ALL the naps; how about we LOVE OURSELVES enough to do a few things that will in turn lift our spirits, get us back on track to feeling GOOD and dare I say it; HAPPY?

Yup, it’s possible. I think one of my favorite quotes fits PERFECTLY here. ^^^^^^

This pandemic has 100% given us a cactus and I have definitely sat on it for entirely too long. If you’re ready let’s lock arms remind each other we don’t have to continue to sit on it and jump into this 4 Week Challenge with the BEST intentions.

My goal with this group is to make the most of the shortest month of our year with accountability + balance! Each day, I will share a fit tip, challenge, or assignment for us to tackle together as we choose HEALTH in 2022!

Maybe you’re thinking - Awesome but what’s that look like?

In addition to the daily topics we focus on a few things:

  • Exercise: I may be a weirdo but working out is my SANITY.  I’ve been an athlete my entire life and I genuinely ENJOY working out  - I KNOW I am the minority here and ENJOYING working out isn’t a requirement BUT getting your heart rate going and moving that body IS.  Beachbody on Demand - or SWEATFlix as I like to call it - has hands down THE BEST workout programs on the planet.  They have something for EVERYONE - and most require little to no equipment and come in right around 30 mins. Cardio, Strength, HIIT, Dance, Pilates, Yoga - you name it; I have something for you.  When you join the Bootcamp you’ll have the option to work through one of these programs which lays it ALL out there for you.  Absolutely NO guesswork. (and Best part is you’re streaming so they’re avail ANYWHERE you got wifi) and they’re designed by the PROS; read RESULTS.

  • Nutrition.  Truth Circle - this is my struggle.  I KNOW what to eat - but the damn wine won’t stop calling me from the kitchen every day when the clock strikes 5pm.  That being said a STRONG % of your success will come from proper nutrition and keeping that in mind the B-Team Bootcamp has you covered in this dept as well.  Shakeology is THE most important part of my meal plan.  It’s a meal replacement (or if you’re pregnant or nursing it would be a supplement) made for whole-food sources, packed with antioxidents, superfoods, pro/pre-biotics and SO much more.  I have had one every single day for the past 5 years.  In that time it has greatly decreased my coffee intake, INCREASED my energy,  kept my HANGRY afternoon feelings at bay, replaced my multivitamin AND prenatal vitamin, helped with my digestion, curbed my sweet tooth and perhaps best of all - it’s just delicious.  You can read more about it here

  • Mindset: Now this is a recent addition to my Bootcamp because it’s taken me awhile to realize your mindset is probably THE MOST important component.  Your body isn’t going to do ANYTHING if your mind doesn’t tell it to & if you’re telling yourself “you could never do that” or “this is only temporary” well I’m sorry but it is.  One of my fav quotes “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right” is my life mantra (for health and other aspects).  So we take a little time each week to pour into ourselves with some self love and confidence building activities.  DON’T PANIC - I know this can be unfamiliar territory BUT I PROMISE, yes PROMISE, this will be a HUGE factor in establishing a healthier routine - and the activities are doable; journaling, affirmations etc.

Annnnnd on top of all those goodies let’s chat about a few bonuses you will ONLY get when you work with me and my crew:

  • A 24 hour Virtual Gym: Sometimes having friends makes the workout go by just a little quicker eh? This is NOT a requirement BUT if you do want the virtual company we got you! Schedules have been a little lax with summer BUT we usually have a 5am, 6am and lunchtime consistency crew.

  • Weekly Recipes: I know one of the BIGGEST things I hear is “I am bored with healthy eating” and HELLO. HOLD THE PHONE! I provide weekly meal plans (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks) with shopping lists and 2B and UPF equivalents. And I might be biased BUT they are BOMB.

  • Personal November Challenger Chat Pod: Starting something new can be overwhelming BUT it doesn’t have to be! This small pod is one way to have direct access to me AND some new fit friends who are just starting out. We ask questions, share sweaty selfies, wins, struggles And more!

  • Hybrid Workout Calendars: Our programs are created by the pros to be completed as designed for max results but this isn’t a one size fits all - complimenting your running or yoga practice OR you’re just a rebel and want to hop around - THIS is for you. Workouts across ALL of our programs designed to progress through leaving you challenged and stronger than ever.

  • Instagram & FB Trackers: Sometimes sharing publicly helps us stay just a little more accountable so why not make them extra pretty! You’re doing WORK - be proud of yourself!

If this sounds like something you’d be into fill out THIS FORM and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours!