The Crazy Stuff I Hear on the Daily...

"Me and my family, we don't do diets, and we like to eat real food."

I hear this legit - EVERY single day.  

I talk to hundreds of people a week about their health and fitness goals, and when they hear that I work for Beachbody, sometimes I get this response or an immediate “I’m all set thanks.”  Which makes me think that I am most definitely not doing a good enough job showing my friends, family, and followers what Beachbody is all about!"

 And with that a new blog is born.

I want to start out with saying what Beachbody is NOT.  It is NOT a "diet system" or a "fad diet."  We do not drink all of our food, and we most definitely do not starve ourselves.   

My MAIN goal as a coach is to help establish a healthy lifestyle which includes getting your sweat on and properly fueling your body.. AND to completely AVOID diets and fads.  

First up - our workouts.  I’m sure you’ve heard of a few of them - Insanity, P90, 21 Day Fix etc. They’re killer and we literally have something for everybody - cardio, dance, pilates, yoga, strength etc.  They’re put together by the pros and they lay it all out for you - calendar to follow, modifications etc.

Nutrition: Now every single program comes with an easy to follow meal plan (menus, a few recipes etc).  These are formulated based on your weight, activity level, and how many calories burned each day, etc... so each person is different.  

I want you thinking portion control WITHOUT having to count calories (Ain’t nobody got time for that).  We’re teaching you HOW to properly fuel your body - having the correct amount of veggies, fruits, carbs, proteins, healthy fats to not only get through your workouts but to THRIVE through your days.  And some programs even allow treats every now and then too!  

Then there is Shakeology, our famous all-natural, NOTHING artificial superfood!   

Shakeology is NOT a weight loss drink.   

Sure, a lot of people lose weight when they drink it, but that is because they are following a program that teaches them to eat better and exercise and Shake-O maximizes your results.  It is a daily dose of dense nutrition.  It has enough fruits and veggies in it to make up for 5 trips to a salad bar.  You could not EAT that much food in one sitting - well at least of salad HA.

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Shakeology is FILLED with superfoods from around the globe, all researched by the creator Darin Olein. This man right there ---->  His main focus when developing this amazing drink was to find something that is packed with a solid punch of nutrition and convenient (because we are ALWAYS on the go).

Something that tastes delicious, offers a natural source of energy, works as a "scrub brush" on your intestines to help us digest food much more efficiently, and also absorb the most nutrients that we can out of the superfoods.  

It is also filled with adaptogen herbs to help us adapt to the side effects of stress on our bodies and our minds (think hard workouts, along with stressful days at work/home… just LIFE), along with having protein, fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals that our body craves daily.  On top of all of this, it is chemical free, no artificial sweeteners, and non-GMO. 

My family eats real food as well, and we also don't diet.  That isn’t a word we use in our house!

 We are on a mission to live a healthy lifestyle, and to teach our children to do the same.  

 If this is something you are serious about, and may need a little direction, feel free to message me or send me an email to

My goal is to help as many people possible and it happens one person at a time!