Why I became a Fitness Instructor

I took my first barre class when I was 4 months PP with Em.  I saw my friend (who had a baby right around the same time I did) post on FB something along the lines of “Down a few lbs and I feel so freaking good for the first time in a long time.”  I wrote her - she gave me the studios name and I signed up within minutes.

I forced a friend to come with me because I was TERRIFIED and thank Christ because we got there and I PANICKED.  I’m used to large gyms like Ballys where even a class of 40 meant there was a LOT OF ROOM.  This room held 10 people - there was NO HIDING.

I want to paint the picture here.  I have ALWAYS been active.  3 sports in highschool and travel softball all year long.  I was a collegiate athlete and played after I graduated. I have always worked out.  I went to this class 120 days after having my first baby in an oversized shirt hating every inch of my body that didn’t feel like my own. Again - did I mention there was NO HIDING.

I thought I was going to die 10 mins in. I went between staring at the instructor in AWE and sweat/crying.  I mean HOW was she teaching AND talking and I was barely moving.  Then a kickass song would come on and I’d get distracted only to be back to “OMG how does this hurt to much?” Then it ended and I left with this feeling of accomplishment, confusion and pure LOVE.  I said right then to my friend (and anyone who would listen that “I would be back” What I never said outloud was I would teach this one day.

I wanted to became a fitness instructor because I wanted to show people (I wanted to show the ME in that class SO uncomfortable in her body ) that absolutely ANYONE could do the work, become the motivator, the #hypegirl , the annoying fitness friend when you make a decision you’re worth the work REGARDLESS of what you looked like🤪

Eleven years later here we are - I’ve taught at alllll the different places, I’ve been all the different sizes and I’m finally at the place where I’m not here to look good I’m here to FEEL GOOD and help others do the same (Spoiler Alert - the looking good happens when you change WHY you’re doing this)👯‍♀️ And this is the ONLY mindset I take IN studio and in my virtual fit clubs. Life is too short to hate our bodies #AmIRight

It is NOT lost on me that I have come to this place recently (maybe a mix of age and experience) but this mindset has been mine since I THOUGHT I was the largest instructor and now I probably am #JokesOnMe - only difference is THEN i did NOT have a good relationship with food or my body.  Now I workout to be STRONG and healthy.  I don’t beat myself up for food or EARN it either.  I know the results will come AND if they don’t I won’t care because I am too busy ENJOYING my life and my body.  Wanna get here? Let’s chat. Fill this out and in addition to getting moving we will also work on that mindset!