5 Years Ago...


I missed this memory over the weekend in the chaos that is life and Mother’s Day BUT I couldn’t let this weekend pass without acknowledging it because - maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones - but I am overwhelmed with gratitude, appreciation and all the other words I can’t seem to think of #BabyBrain is real.

5 years ago I had just left corporate America (and with it the 12 hour days, and traveling, and taking biz calls all day everyday) BEHIND to teach group fitness and be home with my nugget.

This was NO small feat.

I was terrified - could we make it work? I was the breadwinner, I’ve never not had a job!? What would we do all day?

And let me say having been on BOTH sides of the fence - the grass isn’t always greener and it’s not a one solution is best for every family.  I’ve run teams of 20 and I’ve been bossed around by 2 tiny humans. BOTH are equally as hard - I may lean towards staying home being a little harder ONLY because of the guilt that comes with hating your kids when you have a day from hell.  I can easily hate Stapler Steve in Accounting with no regret hahahaha…. #truth

BUT this is what worked for our family.  #MrParker was on the fire department working 24 shifts and now taking any OT he could since I was home and he even got to open his own Gutter Biz - everyone working on their dreams?! #Winning

Now this took some getting used to - once you’re attached to your digital leash for 24 hours a day only to realize the only emails you’re getting are now from Nordstroms for clothes you can’t buy… it’s an adjustment.

At this time the “coaching opportunity” had been brought to my attention a THOUSAND times and I said no thank you - I already had my third life crisis - I had no time for anything else.  That was until my friends decided to join an accountability group. I’m an only child - FOMO is REAL.

So this life changing decision was made because …. Cue every PSA EVER MADE “My friends were doing it.”  But there I was asking Brian for a combo birthday and Mother’s day gift of T25 and Shakeology.

“Are you sure? You already teach 9 classes and you don’t like shakes?”

Yup. This is what I want. 100%

So that’s how it happened.  

In the group I was HOOKED. We chatted fitness, meal plans, recipes, we maybe even vented a little about our hubs #truth, but everyone in there was like ME.  

Just a Mom wanting to be a little more…

Did I mention one of the BIGGEST adjustments to being a stay at home mom is the lack of adult conversations BUT here ladies were at my fingertips whenever I needed a real formed English word!

Annnnd if you know me you know I’m an oversharer - so I took to FB to just tell peeps what I was doing and how GOOD i felt!  Well surprise surprise MORE people wanted to do this with me.


I immediately ran my own accountability group and life was FOREVER CHANGED.

As someone who prides themselves on being a perfectionist - > Let me list my nerd accomplishments; 3 sport athlete in HS, National Honors Society, NEVER MISSED A DAY OF SCHOOL IN HS (read that again), Outstanding HS Graduate 99, went on to Bentley University and started my career in Media at one of the world’s largest media corporations Clear Channel.  And from there progressed pretty quickly to Director level before I was 30.

I did what I was supposed to do BUT if we’re being honest I was kind of always thinking “is this it?”  “Is this what I’m supposed to do with my life?” It ALWAYS starts out as a whisper and then -for me- when Em was here it was a ROAR that would drown out every call, every work trip across the country and EVERY decision I made that didn’t have to do with her or Brian.

I digressed but I promise the point is THERE IS MORE.  We just have to be at the point in our lives that we A- are ready to hear it and B- are ready to decide we are worth it AND capable of it.

This little “side gig” of mine has grown from a small private FB group keeping me on track trying to inspire other moms in their health and wellness to a TEAM of ladies and gents looking to do the same WHILE ALSO changing their own lives - from the inside out.

If you had asked me 5 years ago if I’d be sitting in my dream house, with jobs (fitness instructing AND coaching) that I absolutely LOVE, about to have a third baby I would’ve told you you were INSANE. But here I am.  

Want to know what REALLY changed…

The things we don’t usually talk about - coaching AND instructing makes you step outside of your comfort zone.

It literally seeps into ALL aspects of your life because it pushes you to become better - and sometimes it’s without even realizing the change is happening.  

For example - One of our vital behaviors of coaching is Personal Development.  I don’t remember the last time I actually READ a book BUT I listen (Audible app WOOT WOOT) to personal development ANY time I have a few minutes to myself (in the car, emptying the dishwasher folding laundry etc.  I get creative!)

I do this because confidence and self worth is a daily practice and I spent a lot of my life thinking I wasn’t “enough.”  That’s not just something you lose when the podcast or book is over. You take that into your role as a wife, mom, daughter etc.  It becomes ANNOYINGLY IMPOSSIBLE to NOT motivate others or dig right in when you see potential or you’re asked your opinion.

This path makes you get CRYSTAL CLEAR on your expectations in ALL aspects of your life - > Work, Family, Friends etc.  

Life is too short and once you realize EVERYTHING has an impact on YOU - draining job, friend, relationship - it’s OK to allocate less of YOU to it.  

So 5 years later; here I am morphing into the best, most confident version of myself and I haven’t even mentioned the BEST (most realistic) part - > This “side gig” that was supposed to give this bored “SAHM” something to do … HAS BECOME MY CAREER and my co-workers are F*N AMAZING.

Yup. It’s possible.  

At first it wasn’t about the money.  Heck it’s still not about the money BUT I’d be doing a disservice if I didn’t talk about this side also.

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My first check was $39.  And I remember thinking “OMG I can grab a drink with my bestie WITHOUT asking Brian for money” NOW - I NEVER HAAAAAD to ask Bri for money but given our sitch I felt I SHOULD.  But now - this was MY MONEY!

And from there it grew to a hundred, to a few hundred to even the occasional thousand a week paychecks.  I was not only filling my own cup, helping people do the same BUT I WAS PAYING MY MORTGAGE?!?!!?? Seems unreal sometimes.

It is now my mission to help other ladies and gents realize their potential, find their voice, and walk them through the steps to CHANGE THEIR LIVES.

I felt the feelings you may be feeling now - “this is awesome for you, but it’s not for me” or “it couldn’t be for me - seems so out there”  My only suggestion is to try - it’s like I tell myself; I’ve seen it with my own eyes CHANGE MY FRIENDS’ LIVES - so WHY would I be the exception?  Simple answer - I won’t be. I want this too badly. For myself, for my family and for my team.

So even though I’m about to give birth any second (cmon baby cmon baby) I am running a Sneak Peek into the B-Team this Wednesday-Friday and I would LOVE you to come poke around, meet the team, ask some questions - whatevs.

Sneak Peek Over on Facebook!

Sign me UP - I’m ready!