So Let's Talk About Fashion (#1 thing I NEVER thought I'd blog about)

My style can be summed up with “I didn’t expect to get out of the car”

No truer words have EVER been spoken.

I also used to say stuff like: “I don’t care about Fashio

But seriously what does this even mean...

I’ll tell ya that after a honest look inward (thank you personal development) it meant I DID care, and turns out I care a WHOLE lot now lets dive a bit deeper.

When I said I don’t care about Fashion what I meant or SHOULD’VE said was “I don’t care about what’s trendy, or “in.”  As someone who’s battled with self confidence and full blown body dysmorphia her entire life I found one way to dress that fit my body (or so I thought) and replicated it in every color, pattern etc. #ifitaintb

Now here’s where this little spitfire came in.  Tiffany is an old friend of mine that has now started her own AMAZINGLY helpful blog .  Her tips are spot on, they’re affordable AND if you’re local she does personal shopping sessions JUST like the one we did BUT i want you to read through before I say too much...

I am currently in my year of yes.  So no matter HOW badly I want to say “no thank you” out of fear I say yes and figure it out.  It’s kinda like Tiffany’s rule when shopping - you don’t HAVE to buy it but you HAVE to try it on.

The more she put in the cart I started to sweat…

Were those high waisted jeans?


Where is the closest exit and how the F do I get out of here?!

Jk about the last one...kinda.

So as we’re trying stuff on we start to talk and I tell her my stomach has ALWAYS been my problem area...even before kids.  Back in college I had #2 pencil legs - EVEN when the rest of my body resembled a potato. Add on two kids, an autoimmune disease and an inability to quit wine and it’s STILL my problem area EVEN though I am strong AF (thanks Pilates!)

In total I got:

  1. A pair of Booties

  2. 2 Pairs of Jeans

  3. 1 Pair of mesh track pants

  4. Camo leggings

  5. 2 Sweaters

  6. A bodysuit

  7. 1 Kimono

  8. 2 Shirts

I REPEAT - 11 things for under $200

Up to this point my go to was skin tight jeans and a flowy top.  Now when I say EVERYTHING in this cart was DIRECT opposite of this - I mean it.  Tiffany started to tie things up RIGHT at my waist and ACCENTUATE the exact thing I was hiding.

Now I’m all “haha maybe she didn’t hear me?” or caught between deferring to the expert and running

Now here’s where my mind is blown.  I am 37 years old. One hour with my friend and it has literally changed everything.  Turns out, I DO care about fashion. I care about anything that can make us, as women, feel CONFIDENT.  

Happiness and Health aren’t just internal physical things - they’re mental too.  So finding that confidence and taking some time in your appearance - I noticed… I felt SO fucking good.

So if you’re like me and have turned your nose up at Fashion - and stillllllll follow all the fashion blogs and IG accounts it’s time to take a deeper look because this girl KNOWS what shes talking about and it’s time to adjust that closet that is filled with ONLY black clothes.

Sidenote - we didn’t even get INTO the fact that she threw together an entire fall wardrobe AND booties for UNDER $200.  I could not have been happier OR more amazed because you KNOW this bitch right here, I LOVE me a sale.

Now let’s get down to the good stuff.

EVERY piece could be worn with other pieces in the purchase or with items I already own.  


It was a whirlwind.  We were in and out in under 2 hours and I am now trying to incorporate one thing she taught me in EVERY time I get dressed - and know what happened.  I started looking in the mirror and LOVING what I was seeing. I was flaunting the HARD work I put into my body each and every day.

I think back and I’m like no wonder I was feeling stuck.  I was working my ass off - figuratively and literally and not really feeling the YAHOOOOO when I put clothes on.  WHAT in the shit is the point of that?

So as I wrap this up my challenge to YOU is to mix things up a bit, step outside of your comfort zone, I PROMISE you it’s 100% worth it.  

Most importantly - Self confidence is an internal AND external thing and it’s A-OK to ask for help.  

You KNOW I am your girl when it comes to fitness but if you’re looking for some help in the styling department - Mom friends who NEVER change out of leggings and those flowy tops - I’m looking at YOU - you need this girl.  And be sure to tell her I sent you ;)

Tiffany Giannato DeBerardinis can be found on IG, her blog or via email ->

And of COURSE - The FINAL PICKS! (in no particular order - LIE. They’re all my favs BUT they’re in order for me!)

I would LOVE to hear your favs!