The Comparison Game...

Truth Circle here for a minute. I've been OFF my game.

Social media can be the DEVIL.  

We partake in this comparison game that can do DAMAGE to our mindset but only IF we let it. Trouble is we don't usually know we're down the rabbit hole until we're so far down we can't see the light anymore.

Do you ever do this?

See friends hanging out and think "Why wasn't I invited?

See people so much "FURTHER" in their business and it makes you think "Why am I NOT there?" 

See a fellow #fitmom come back #postbaby a little quicker than you and you're wondering "WHY can't I do it?

WHATEVER it was - it happened.  And if you're anything like me it becomes ALL I can think about.  To the point where I let it control me.  My mindset, my temperament - everything.

I begin to say some TERRIBLE things to myself... "I don't deserve it," "it'll never happen" etc. etc.

People have said I feel the feels pretty deeply and this is so accurate HOWEVER if we're being honest it may be the trait I like MOST about myself.


For this reason I needed the reminder that MY life is MY life.  NO ONE has ANY power over it except me and I love it too damn much to waste one second comparing it to some highlight reel in my newsfeed.

And I can't just SAY that I must DO something WITH that or else they're just words and nothing will change.  Great - what's that mean?  It means daily affirmations.  Seriously.  Stop rolling your eyes - I'm not out there hugging trees BUT I am realizing I am worth it and the days where I need this reminder come fewer and further between BECAUSE of these affirmations, I'm ok with it!

Action Item - If I asked you to write down 5 things you didn't like about yourself or something you wanted to work on (physical or mental) I bet that pen would be flowing pretty easily.  Now what if I asked you to write down 5 things you LOVE about yourself.  Not so easy eh?

Well go do it.  I'll wait.  

Just kidding - BUT I do want you to write these 5 things down on sticky notes and I want you to put them all around your house.  These daily reminders are LIFE CHANGING.

Bottom line - We have NO idea what happens in someone else's life SO do me (and yourself) a favor and before you ASSUME, COMPARE or JUDGE - put those blinders on and do something that you LOVE for YOU.  

And maybe take some comfort in knowing that we are ALL doing that at some point or another.