I got more out of Core de Force than I EVER anticipated

Guys  - It’s NYE but as I sit here with my glass of wine and listening to my husband put Cullen down for the night, I can’t help but think…”we made it.” 

A LOT happened this year and we always seem to play the highlight reel on this night every year and tonight I’m full of gratefulness.  Maybe it’s the wine talking but this year came to a close right about the same time we wrapped up Core de Force.  

I think I got more out of it than I EVER anticipated...

#MrParker has always been the quiet supporter so when he decided to join me in these 30 days I was surprised, ecstatic, doubtful - but most of all I just loved him that much more.  I may give him sh*t every now and then but we’re just different in the aspect that if I don’t get my workout in every day I am a RAGING lunatic. It’s my therapy, my “me time” and it clears my head.

He has seen me do various programs over the past few years and has NEVER said anything about them.  EVER.  He used to be quite the fitness guru (granted he was more of the “pick stuff up and put stuff down kind of guy” <- Another test to see if he actually reads my stuff :) so I knew he would be tough on me (and the program) but I wanted that.  I am confident in the majority of everything BB has put out (I can’t say everything because there are a few programs, supplements etc. that I have yet to try BUT so far so good!) but I was very excited to see what he thought.  Anywho -  back to me - right off that bat I had along with the excitement came all of these doubts...what if he didn’t think they were hard enough and there I was...dying next to him? #embarassing

So we started and let me remind you of this gem titled “Marines don’t Modify”… -->

They were hard enough.  Sometimes it’s not about “hard” its about trying something NEW and kickstarting that body!

Now let’s get down to business.  We went about 25 days before we got deep into the Christmas holiday and somehow ended up missing a day or two BUT we didn’t quit early, we finished a few days late BUT we finished!

Heres what we ALSO didn’t do:

*We didn’t follow the meal plan 100%

*We DEFINITELY didn’t avoid alcohol (WINE WHY CAN’T I QUIT YOU!)

*We didn’t follow the calendar for 30 straight days (life happens)

MOST IMPORTANTLY - We didn’t beat ourselves up about it.


Here’s what we DID do:

*We motivated each other

*We kept each other accountable

*We found a new way to support each other

*We had fun

And most importantly we did more than avoid packing on the lbs this holiday season.  We found a way to actually lose a few lbs, gain some strength and endurance and we added another dynamic to our relationship that I hope stays around forever.

So looking back on the last 30 ish days - and the entire 2016 - thank you to #mrparker for ALWAYS supporting me (even when I can tell he’s not quite sure this will all work out) and for joining me in this opportunity.  He loved his experience, and I can see it kind of ignited a little fire inside him that I hadn’t seen for awhile.  And the fact that this “thing” that reignited him happens to be the same thing that I’m passionate about!? #worldscollide It genuinely doesn’t get better!

Lastly thank you to YOU.  Yes, you.  You’re reading this which means you’re part of my journey.  Past, Current (possibly future ;) ) Challenger, Coach from the B-Team, or just a supportive family member or friend - whoever you may be - you’ve had an impact on my life and I want to say Thank You.

It NEVER gets easier putting myself out there but knowing that it may just give someone that little push they need to better themselves - THAT is why I keep doing this and THAT is why I am motivated on the daily by your decision to follow along with me!

And I will leave this post AND this year with this quote that hit it right on the head….

“Don’t fear Failure.  Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.”

If you're feeling inspired and want to make 2017 the best year yet comment below or shoot me a note byoufitinfo@gmail.com!  I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

And how stinking cute is this nugget right here?  She wanted to take pics just like us so here she is <3