Food Prepared by #MrParker

If you've been following me you know I can't boil water... that's not very conducive to eating healthy is it!?

Luckily on top of my husband being the best hubby, dad, provider etc. he ALSO happens to be the BEST cook EVER.  Yes, EVER.  I've decided to start using my blog to showcase the healthy masterpieces he comes up with.

Now if you're like me watching someone just "come up" with something is MIND BOGGLING.  If I could I'd dip everything in Ranch so "pairing" flavors obviously isn't my thing.  BUT this man - he has MANY of times, raided our cabinets and come up with a 4 course meal with a can of low sodium diced tomatoes and a can of tuna.  I kid you NOT.

More times than not he'll ask what I want and then he'll take it upon himself to make it as clean and 21 Day Fix approved as possible.  A GODSEND right?!

Here are some of the past winners and I'll be sure to be back when there's another deliciousness that just needs to be shared!  And if you make any of these please be sure to let me know!  Tag me, or you can even #mrparker (<- Let's make this bad boy trend!)