The Seven Days of Coaching for Christmas

Tis the Season of thankfulness and sharing so I thought what an AMAZING time to pay it forward - and I recruited a few members of my team to help!

Tomorrow will be kicking off the “Seven Days of Coaching for Christmas!” Every day you’ll be hearing from a coach on the B Team, and they’ll be telling you a little bit about themselves & what this opportunity means to them.  

Along with the B-Team I will be giving away 1 prize EVERY day - to anyone who decides NOW is the time and joins my team!  Prizes on deck are: Shake-O, free programs, equipment, apparel etc.

Now let’s get back to business.  I’ll start with what coaching isn’t…

It’s not about perfection.

It’s not about dieting.

It’s not about competing with other people.

It’s not a quick fix - physically, mentally or financially.

It’s not always easy - physically, mentally AND financially.


Now that that’s out of the way let’s get into what it actually IS.  I can only speak for myself but I will say it’s nothing short of a life changing opportunity.  It has allowed me to constantly strive to become the best version of myself.  

How do we do that you may ask?

*We workout (with some of the TOUGHEST programs I have ever done I might add).  

*We clean up our eating (with a nutrition plan that consists of REAL food *yes wine too)

*We drink our superfoods.

*We do Personal Development. (Did you just eye roll?  I swear I used to whenever anyone mentioned PD before I ACTUALLY started doing it)

*We share what we love.


That list is the backbone of this entire thing for me.  So let’s dive into each one shall we?


*We workout -  Maybe you’re already an active person or maybe you haven’t worked out in years.  Doesn’t matter.  We’re not all personal trainers or fitness instructors (although some of us are - Hey, Hi Hello!) but we’re all people that believe getting those endorphins going and breaking a sweat everyday is going to make us FEEL better - not to mention healthier?!   We all have different starting points, different stories, different goals BUT we all put in the work everyday - most in our messy toy rooms just like me.

*We clean up our eating:  Unless you’ve been under a rock I’m going to assume you’ve heard the term clean eating before.  However, I am NOT going to assume most actually know what it means.  Eating clean is simply the practice of avoiding processed and refined foods and basing your diet on whole foods.  Sounds easy enough right?  And honestly it IS.  I’m not going to say a little work isn’t required in the beginning but a few years under my belt and I have found a delicious healthy alternative to most of my favorites!  At the end of the day I’ve found when I eat crap I feel like crap.  Nobody (ESPECIALLY me) expects perfection - we slip, we go on benders etc. BUT if those slip ups are fewer and further between I’ll consider that a win!

*We drink our Superfoods:  Shakeology.  There I said it.  “That shake?” “I don’t drink my meals” “I don’t need that” “I have a protein I like”  I have heard it ALL - it makes me laugh a little because I also THOUGHT it all myself before I tried it.  Five days into drinking Shakeology I had more energy than ever, I snacked less and it completely regulated me (TMI - sorry not sorry #girlprobs) That was about 2.5 years ago and I’ve had one every day since.  When my OB said it could replace my prenatal vitamin it completely solidified my love affair. My friends and family have experienced numbers going down on the scale AND in their clothes BUT even better are the #s at the drs - I’m talking Blood Pressure, Cholesterol etc.  They’re coming off their meds and they’re feeling better than ever. <- this could NOT make me happier.

*We do Personal Development.  Personal Development is SO crucial to this opportunity - so much so it’s included in what we call our Vital Behaviors.  Well because I think I’m so smart I went about a year into coaching before I started actually doing any.  “I don’t need PD that’s for broken people.  I’m fine”  I would say shit like that and actually BELIEVE it.  Now my PD comes in all formats - National Wake Up calls from Top Coaches in the network, Podcasts, Books etc.  I vary on topics that I think I need work on or if I’m going through something specific but they ALL have me turning it inward and actually addressing what I want in this life, what I’m doing to get there and if I’m not what I should be.  It’s been LIFE CHANGING.  I always considered myself an upbeat person BUT I’ll tell you this - I’m learning it was mostly superficial.  I doubted myself, I hated different aspects of myself (physically and characteristically) but I threw the smile on and told the jokes because that’s what I did.  Listen it was NOT easy but digging deeper into my issues has brought me to this genuine place of happiness.  Happiness with myself, my family, my situation and what I’m doing to better it.  I understand it’s ok to have off days, I understand CHOOSING happiness is just that a conscious CHOICE and some days it’s harder than others.  That’s why it’s so IMPERATIVE to surround yourself with like-minded people to reel you back in when you’ve bought a one way ticket on the crazy train.

This is a topic for another blog BUT in this day and age with social media being what it is there are SO many people putting themselves out there as one thing, acting as another and using these platforms to glorify this facade.  It becomes a comparison game in our faces ALL day every day (God forbid we put our phones down for a second).  So to avoid the comparison trap the only thing we can do is put those blinders on, water your own grass and stay your course.  Also take heed in the fact that the truth will ALWAYS eventually come to light.

*We share what we love.  People tell me ALL the time “I want to coach but I don’t want to be that annoying person on FB” or “Who would want my help”  First - ouch. HAHA I get it.  I KNOW people are like “ugh another workout video?” or “Yeah we know you drink shakes.”  I post my workouts and possibly my Shake-O because it’s what I do EVERY day and I LOVE it.  I’m hoping the people who are following me (or even still reading) are supporting me - if not real quick - hit that unfollow button!

I share the program I’m doing or the next best recipe #mrparker made because it’s amazing and I want to share the love with my friends and family.  When you go to a new restaurant and that shit is amazing what do you do?  You tell everyone!  More times than not I’m texting my besties before we pay the bill!  I feel the same way about every product I’ve used with BB and why WOULDN’T I share that?

Yes this is a sales job because at the end of the day people can buy products from me BUT do I ONLY help people who purchase things from me - ABSOLUTELY NOT.  I am here because i genuinely love helping people and I fully support anyone working towards their better self.  If you’re asking about my experince I will most def be recommending BB because AGAIN it’s changed my life.

The only thing NOT listed in my list - because it’s not a requirement of Coaching, it’s a BENEFIT of - is the community.  

My challengers and my coaches are AMAZINGLY inspiring.  Whether you are in every one of my groups or you did one a few years ago - I consider Every single one of you as a partner on this journey with me!  EVERY single one of you has made the conscious decision to work on yourself even though there are NEVER enough hours in the day, our to-do lists are long and we play 18290182901 roles to 2382372891 people.  

I LOVE surrounding myself with that sort of energy.  That sort of genuineness.  It picks me up, it fuels my fire and it makes me want to be better.  I can only hope I’ve done that to a few of you.

Bringing it full circle - join me and my team on the next 7 Days of Coaching for Christmas.  If you’re hearing a little voice inside and thinking this may just be for you - ANY part of it, let’s chat.

“And suddenly you know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings” Meister Eckhart