It's a Big Weekend for the B-Team

It’s a big weekend for the B-Team!

We’re having a little girl time - did someone say mimosas, makeup and photoshoots?  I’m planning and the excitement is RIDIC.  And then all of a sudden that jerk shows up in my head.

You know the one right?  The one that starts to ask questions like “Who do you think you are?” “What will people say/think?” “I am NOWHERE near photoshoot ready” “I don’t even look like a fitness instructor.”

Sometimes I feel like a phony. THERE I SAID IT.  And btw - it felt amazing to write that and put it out there.

I am a fitness instructor and health coach - I consider it my JOB to build people up, to inspire, motivate and keep them accountable to their goals - and let it be known I COULDN’T love this “job” more.  It’s humbling, rewarding, and just the best thing that has EVER happened to me.

When I was sitting at my desk 5+ years ago putting together advertising budgets and staring at the clock I couldn’t have ever imagined a life that revolves around fitness and empowering other women and yet here I am DOING it, LIVING it and LOVING it.

So how come I can’t give myself the same support and love I give my challengers and clients?

I don’t really know...I guess because I’m human?

I think there is this perceived level of perfection that comes with social media in general.  Add in being a female in the fitness industry and it just makes it 10x worse.  I mean have you scrolled IG lately?  It’s a flood of dinner plates, beautiful babies, inspirational quotes and tight, TIGHT bodies.

Before this “time” we’re currently in, I imagine self doubt existed BUT after the feels you got on with your day.  You think the pilgrims compared those weird garments they wore?  Prob not - there were crops to tend to.

Ok maybe that was a stretch...

Can you imagine your grandmother comparing herself to her neighbor - I know I can, BUT I also imagine both of my grandmothers snapping themselves RIGHT out of it and getting on with their lives and tending to their brood.  I mean HOW did they always keep themselves so put together, food on the table and kids happy and healthy.  If I change out of my yoga pants I consider the day a win.  

I’m rambling BUT I have a point, I promise.  In this day and age, at our fingertips (literally), we have THOUSANDS of pictures, stories and highlight reels to make us question ourselves, our worth and our progress.  

Now, more than EVER, self confidence and self awareness is a necessity.

It’s not always easy even for someone like me who ACTUALLY believes each and every ONE of us is worth it, each and every one of us is special and the world is DYING for every single one of our stories.  

But instead of pretending I don’t doubt myself I want to share that I doubt myself daily but the next step is what is the key.  I tell myself to shut the f*ck up.

The name of my team is the B-Team - now with all of my years in marketing don’t think I wasn’t aware of the negative stigma.  Nobody wants to be #2 - they want to be the A-Team, #1.

Not me.  Never have.  Never will.

I will NEVER be the best, smallest, fittest, whateverist.  Know what I will be?  The one who NEVER gives up, who stays in her own lane, who knows her worth and who owns her shit.

And I think THAT right there is my super power.  I am Fitish, I am strong, I am determined, and I am a fabulous role model for my kids.  

And I am LUCKY.  

I am lucky because coaching has given me an avenue to connect with other ladies who feel the same exact way.  These ladies not only share my thought process but also the desire to tell it to the world and together we make up the B-Team!

So on the eve of the photoshoot with just a small % of the team (and to all the B-Teamers who couldn’t make it you ladies WILL be missed) I will tell the jerk in my head to {again} shut the f*ck up and take my perfectly imperfect self to the shoot and I will rock it because I want EVERY other girl out there wondering if they’re “enough” or if they’re “there yet” to know you are PERFECT just the way you are.  

I mean what does a fitness instructor and health coach even look like?

I’ll tell ya.  It looks like me.