#TransformationTuesday - It's Not Always Physical

#transformationtuesday this week is all about me AND this girl right here❤️.  

My first born.  My mini-me.  My forever best friend.  The I can not WAIT til we can have wine and mani-pedi dates.  I know #calmdown

I want to start by saying I was NEVER big on goal setting before coaching came into my life and I swear BECAUSE I never took a second to dive into what I really wanted, I did a lot of what i thought I "Should do."

Want to know why? #TruthCircle - Because I was SO afraid of what people would think of me.  I was afraid what I would think of myself - was I crazy?! People like me don't veer off course.

Attend the great college - Check.  Get the great job when you graduate - Check. Move out - Check, Check, Check Check - you get the picture.

I must say, before Beachbody I had a job that most people would kill for.  The pay was GREAT, the team was SO much fun and I was CHALLENGED - in a good way - EVERY single day.

What WASN'T good was the effect it had on my home life.  A husband working at the Fire Department (full 24 hour shifts), maybe time to wash the soot off and it was straight to #dadduty and the whole time I was in the office for long days and occasionally traveling.  To say the village was "on call" was an understatement.

I don't think #mrparker and I had ANY idea what we were doing when I quit to stay home with Em and teach fitness classes. HOW were we going to be able to afford this house? HOW could we continue to live like this? Would we be able to swing it?

It didn't matter though because for the first time in my life I zoned into my goals and at this time in my life I decided I wanted, no I NEEDED, to be home more.  I was providing in the traditional sense BUT I was a #hotmess - when I was home my brain was at work, when I was at work my brain was at home... ever been on that hamster wheel? - EXHAUSTING.

On top of me knowing what I felt I needed to do I was lucky because Brian SUPPORTED me.  He knew, WE needed this shift. #HappyWifeHappyLife am I right??? But seriously marriage isn't about ONE person, it's a partnership where we're BOTH giving, ALL day EVERY day. (mostly giving sh*t but ya know...always giving ;) I kid. I kid)

Every family is different and everyone has their sweet spot and ours involves a lot of US time.  We make it a priority because after being together 15+ years we know we need that time.  And on top of NEVER really getting that (Remember we used our village HEAVILY already) we were just SO far off from our sweet spot we didn't even recognize ourselves.

I'm not going to lie and say it was easy - it required penny pinching, a little less here, missing out on a few of the grander things we had become accustom to.  FINE it was a complete lifestyle change BUT we prioritized US and we were able to feel ourselves exhale and relax for the first time in a looooooong time. And it was so necessary.

It was at this very moment that the coaching opportunity was presented to me and although I couldn't afford to get started I found a way to make it work (thank you birthday and mother's day gifts!).

I fell in love.

I went from a lifestyle where we are ALWAYS talking about things to look forward to ("more time with our kids", "get me to the weekend", "I can't wait for my trip to XYZ" etc.) -> to conversations about slowing down, presence, appreciating where we are NOW and taking steps in the immediate moment to not need that shiny thing in the distance.  To make the best of NOW.

It wasn't immediate BUT it was immediately after opening myself up, things started to CHANGE.   And the ability to take this knowledge and PAY that forward?!  To have the opportunity to release some financial stress from my family, and show others how to do it too?!  Signed, Sealed, Delivered.  I was sold.  This IS what I was meant to do with my life.

Now to say the road here was all roses - no way Jose (lots of Rosé).  I KNOW the reservations people have about BB - I know because I HAD them too.

👉🏼Who would want to work with me?
👉🏼 How can I help anyone?
👉🏼 There's already too many coaches out there
👉🏼 I don't want to be the annoying person on FB
👉🏼It's a scheme
👉🏼 I don't want to sell my friends and family stuff

Those things - those are limiting beliefs.  Pot that voice down because I am CONFIDENT that there is absolutely NO ONE out there exactly like you and THAT'S your super power.  That's what makes YOU different.

And the other things well I'll be honest - pyramid schemes are illegal (so there's that), I LOVE posting on FB (I did before I became a coach) so if you find me annoying I promise you can unfollow me and I won't be offended.

AND if you don't want to see it at all #truth -> "You're not my people" .  Do you KNOW how FREAKING long it took me to get to this place!?  I'm almost 40 - I get it.  You're not going to jive with everybody and THAT'S OK.  You want to be with YOUR people and I want to be surrounded by mine.

And lastly I don't sell my friends anything.  Yes at the end of the day my friends have the ability to purchase things from me BUT I am NOT a salesperson.  I am a SHARESperson.  If someone asks me what I recommend - I tell them.  I SHARE with them my experiences, suggestions, struggles and all the truths.  Every coach runs their biz differently BUT if you DON'T purchase anything from me that doesn't mean I won't help you - I run free groups all the time!  Challenge groups saved my life - I will NEVER go without one and I won't ever make YOU either!  At the end of the day...

These products, they WORK. - I am stronger than EVER.
These shakes, they WORK - I feel better than ever.
This community, it SAVES - I have NEVER felt more supported, inspiring and motivated in my life.

And if you're anything like me - the ONLY thing holding YOU back from seeing "What If?" is the stupid fears, concerns and doubts you have. 

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So I'll say this - as someone who has been there - take a leap and I PROMISE to believe in you enough to get you on your feet and then I will continue to believe in you, help you and PRAISE you when we reach those goals you've always wanted and some even bigger ones you develop along the way!

Because this #transformationtuesday (#notalwaysaboutfitness) celebrates me going from the person who never listened to their gut to the person who knows it won't always be easy BUT also believes in myself enough, and works hard enough to know that WHATEVER comes at me (us) - we GOT this. TOGETHER.

I want to focus on this for a minute.  I want to show this little girl who "just loves me SO much" its ok, in fact it's NECESSARY to focus on YOU.  And life well - it's not always clear, it's most definitely not always easy, sometimes it's even isolating BUT when you're honest, genuine and listen to your gut good things happen!

Need a little positivity shift? Holler at me - the lows may be low but the highs are Oh SO high!