I Can't Afford It

When I was invited to my first Challenge Group do you know what I had to say? 

"I'd love to BUT I can't afford it right now"

Have you been there? Are you there now?

It SUCKS doesn't it?

I decided to wait a little bit and ask my husband to get it for me for a combined Birthday/Mother's Day combo gift.

It's funny isn't it?  

We can SO easily spend money on "frivolous" things (expensive dinners, drinks out on the town, flowers, etc) you know the type of things that only create immediate gratification BUT spending money on US especially for our health is taboo.

I spent all of this time avoiding the invite, spending money on other things SO easily until I grabbed it that April.

HOW could I have known just HOW much this little purchase would CHANGE my life??!

I couldn't afford it - MORE like I COULDN'T afford NOT to.

At a time in my life where I was starting this new chapter - I had JUST left my corporate job (making 6 figures mind you) to be a stay-at-home mom I found this supportive community that helped me through the adjustment period.  Now I KNOW grass is always greener - and I can say honestly having been on BOTH sides of that fence that there is most definitely this level of confusion that comes with staying home with your kids.  That shit is HARD.  The days are long and not so glamorous.  I found myself questioning our decision, questioning myself.  THIS is what I wanted, HOW could I be aggravated, bored, feeling empty, looking for more and dare I say SAD?!?!!?

Truth circle - I started to think I was a real jerk.  It was right about this time I also found this group of people where I could voice my feelings and frustrations.  I could ask questions. And most importantly I learned ALL of these feels were REAL.  I wasn't alone and I most definitely wasn't a jerk.

It's funny how once we start to give ourselves a little extra TLC the positivity creates this ripple effect through all aspects of our lives. I was inspired to take better care of myself and these small daily moves just made me feel "better."

A few days into the group a light went off, something clicked - I want EVERYONE to feel this good.  And not only that, I want to play a role in that transition.  I want to hold their hands (figuratively and literally) and I want to reassure other moms and ladies that they're not crazy (well aren't we all a little crazy?) BUT that our FEELINGS don't need to be justified to anyone and the "JOB" of being a woman is FREAKING HARD. (those tiny dictators are RELENTLESS).

We wear ALL the hats, we keep shit running smoothly and sometimes it goes unnoticed, and we become this sleep deprived chick on auto pilot. Well not to me - not anymore.  

It is AMAZING how much we can accomplish when we have someone that believes in us.  

So I am that person.  I BELIEVE in YOU.  I ALSO believe the HARDEST step is the first.  The step that says "I think I'm WORTH IT. No, I KNOW I'm Worth it and I am going to make some changes  

Three years later - this fun challenge group I always said no to has changed my life.  I'm in the best place - mentally, physically and FINANCIALLY and I am paying it forward.  Wherever you are - if you're thinking of MORE, looking for SOMETHING and just can't quite put your finger on it… let me tell you THIS could just be it!  

I have spent EVERY day in the past 3 years focusing on the B-Team (my coaches AND challengers) and fine tuning my groups and my trainings to make sure WHATEVER direction you want to take this that I am giving you the ABSOLUTE best of ME so we can get YOU to the absolute BEST version of YOU too.

So let's hear it - what are your goals?

  1. Making an extra $50, $500, $1,000 a week (or maybe even MORE).  I mean WHAT could that mean to your family?
  2. Losing 5, 10, 50lbs.  
  3. Feeling CONFIDENT, finding your voice or maybe you can't even put your finger on it. (ever find yourself looking for "something more"but have NO idea WHAT?!)
  4. Finding a judgement free, inspirational, spewing rainbows kind of positive group of friends

All of that - it's possible.  I know because I found it and not only did I find it, I cultivated it and I'm pre-packaging it up for YOU.

Spending the weekend with my #tribe only solidified that I am doing EXACTLY what I should be doing and surrounding myself with EXACTLY who I should be.  If you can't say the same - let's chat.  I've got a few events