I am a creature of habit in EVERY sense of the word. I could eat the same thing every day, I THRIVE in routine (is perpetually NEVER having a schedule a routine!? I think yes and it's mine) and I am thrown out of whack when things change. As in anxiety sneaks in and I usually cave.
One “habit” that has COMPLETELY taken over my life - wine. EVERY night.
I swear I wake up EVERY morning and say “I am NOT drinking wine tonight” the husband laughs and says “yeah ok” and I get mad that he doesn’t believe me. As a Mom that’s home all day - some days are easier than others - most days I find myself staring at the clock thinking “GET ME TO DINNER SO I CAN HAVE A GLASS OF WINE ...I DESERVE IT!”
And then I do. As if I actually deserved it instead of acknowledging the fact I may want it. Here is where the trouble creeps in. Because I said “F It” I’ll now have 2...oh and maybe those Oreos that crept in the house! And out the window goes how amazingly I ate all day, my workout etc.
So what am I getting at here? It is SO SO SO easy to excuse ourselves into quite the negative routine JUST as easy as it is to establish a HEALTHIER routine.
Having Cullen’s 1st Birthday Party yesterday really opened my eyes to how often I say or hear the phrase “I just had a baby”
“I know my jeans don’t fit the way I want them to BUT I just had a baby"
“I know I craved Ice Cream every night while pregnant and I should’ve stopped when he was born but I mean I just had a baby”
“I know I’m not at my pre-baby weight yet but I just had a baby”
“I know I shouldn’t drink wine tonight but I need to cut myself some slack I just had a baby”
"You look GREAT - I mean you just had a baby"
Now let me make this BLATANTLY clear - creating life is damn hard and you do deserve to cut yourself a little slack, enjoy - heck I want you to PRAISE your body for what it just did - but there’s a window for that stage and when that baby you "JUST had" is ONE and says words and walks….I think it’s time to drop the excuses and take some ownership.
Then I started thinking if I struggle with this Mom/Wine/(Insert any Vice here) justification thing - I can't be alone right?! Right?!?!
I am taking my next 21 Day Accountability Group and we’re diving a little deeper than normal...
I’m talking real honest truth about our excuses, our weaknesses and how we finally overcome that little voice in the back of our heads telling us we can’t do it.