What is a Challenge Group?

If you’re on social media I am going to assume you have heard the term Challenge Group thrown around - by myself and others BUT maybe you don’t fully understand what they are and what they entail...

Good news. I got you boo!

I thought no time like the present to tell you WHAT a Challenge Group is, HOW a Challenge Group works, the GOALS of a Challenge Group and an additive - HOW you can save money (who doesn’t love a bargain) in a Challenge Group by buying a Challenge Pack.


Now - Let’s get started.

What is a Challenge Group?

At it’s core, a Challenge Group is an online fitness challenge, usually held in a private Facebook group or our free Challenge Tracker app where I, or another coach from the B-Team, is helping people with three main things: Exercise, Nutrition, and Support.

1) Exercise. Hands down, Beachbody offers some of the best, if not THE best, workout programs on the planet. I'm talking T25, 21Day Fix, or PiYo to Insanity Max 30 - there is literally something for EVERYONE… With a Challenge Group, you’ll be working through one of these home fitness programs which lay it ALL out there for you; NO guesswork. For many people these programs have been life-changing.

2) Nutrition. A STRONG % of your success will come from proper nutrition. Fortunately, Challenge Groups have that covered as well. Shakeology is the most important part of my meal plan. It’s a meal replacement shake made from whole-food sources, packed with antioxidants, super foods, pro/pre-biotics, and much more. It does WONDERS for my energy, it helps keep my ravenous hunger at bay, replaces my multivitamin, helps with digestion, curbs cravings and perhaps best of all, tastes amazeballs.

3) Support. Challenge Groups generally consists of a handful of participants - I like to keep them relatively small so we can REALLY work closely together - who have committed to themselves, a program and ME and will be working through the journey together by doing daily check-ins (email, Facebook, this website).

Accountability is crucial when going through any kind of exercise program, let alone a home fitness program as challenging as these. Get a group all doing the same thing at the same time, encouraging one another and holding each participant accountable, and you have a key ingredient to success.

So not only will you get peer support but you get ME!  I’ll be providing one on one help, answering questions, encouraging and motivating, and constantly checking in to monitor your success.

Challenge Group Requirements:

  • You have to be using a Beachbody program and ideally, having Shakeology as a meal or snack replacement EVERY SINGLE DAY. Why?…Because in order to get the best results, you HAVE to have a combination of a great workout program (T25,Insanity Max 30, PiYo, etc.) and Nutrition (Shakeology).  Shakeology has become my favorite supplement.  And as I mentioned, it’s whole-food based, making it hard to even classify it as a supplement. This is what I use to get the best results and it’s what I recommend to my friends, family, and challengers who want the same thing. My goal is to get you looking and feeling your best.  The combination of Shakeology and a home fitness program (that fits YOUR needs) will get you there.

NOTE: Not every Coach requires Shakeology in their Challenge Groups. I do because that’s when I’ve seen the best results for myself AND my challengers. Plus, I want my challengers FULLY committed, not just kinda-sorta. Getting on Shakeology helps me see that. You can read more about it here Shakeology.

  • You have to be consistent with your workouts and nutrition and you have to check into the group daily. That means that you will need to follow the workout schedule and follow the nutrition guide. The nutrition guides are designed specifically for the workouts by some of the top trainers in the industry. USE THEM!

  • Participation in the Group.  Now I WANT you to post at least ONCE per day in the Facebook group BUT it’s not required.  I have found that the more dialed in you are the better your results BUT I also know sometimes you may not be ready so if you’re quietly watching and thats enough for you - that’s enough for ME!  Whatever works for you, works for me BUT do not make me come find you because If you are not posting, checking in with me or whatnot it leads me to believe that you aren’t committing to the challenge, to the other members of the group, and to me.  I’ll think you are losing motivation and/or are struggling, and if that begins to happen you will get a message from me, getting you back on the bandwagon.  We are truly in this together so if you are struggling, then post. If you are losing motivation, then post. If you are killing it, then post. Don’t deprive someone else the opportunity of being encouraged or of encouraging you.



Goals of a Challenge Group

Challenge Groups exist to:

  • Help get you in the best shape of your life.  Taking your fitness and performance to a new level.

  • Help get you feeling energetic and healthy, all around.

  • Get you in the next Beachbody infomercial (IF you're into that sort of stuff!). Get in shape and get on TV? Why not?!

  • Help you achieve your own personal goals (weight loss, strength and mental).

  • Help you win $500! That’s right… enter your results into the Beachbody Challengeand you could win $500 or much, much more.

Save Money with a Challenge Group

Now you know WHAT a Challenge Group is all about, let’s talk about saving some money. More specifically, about Challenge Packs.

So what is a Beachbody Challenge Pack you ask? A Challenge Pack consists of the following:

  • A Beachbody Workout Program (And thanks to the recent release of All Access you can get ALL of them at ONCE!) #winning

  • Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology—The Healthiest Meal of the Day, delivered through Home Direct, the autoship program that ensures timely delivery of Shakeology to your doorstep every month.

  • A FREE 30-day trial membership in the Team Beachbody Club, where you’ll get additional support, tools, and access to Beachbody on Demand streaming workout service.

  • Super discounted $2 Shipping!

  • By combining them in a pack, you will save $50+ off the retail price of buying them individually… and that does even not include your 30-day trial membership in the Team Beachbody Club.

  • Save even more money! Discount Buyer Coaching.  I’m talking 25% off EVERYTHING and NEVER having to work the business - however if you ever do want to share the love we can cross that bridge and get you the training you need, AGAIN you never have to!

The Wrap Up

Challenge Groups have been a game-changer for my challengers AND myself. The online fitness group support system WORKS! You get professional exercise programs, elite nutrition, and incredible encouragement on YOUR schedule, without the hassle of loading up to go to a gym.

Give a Challenge Group a try. I highly doubt you’ll be disappointed.