My Seven Year Anniversary...


SEVEN YEAR of sweaty selfies, working my business WHEREVER I could (figuratively & literally), learning how to GENUINELY like myself, constantly growing, paying it forward and creating a life I literally never thought possible.

I signed up to be a coach 7️⃣ YEARS ago.  Well actually I signed up for a home workout program & some shakes and because #thisMamaLovesADeal I signed up as a VIP (with no intention to EVER work the business) for the discount.

Want to know what made me sign up?

I had been asked countless times but THIS time my friends were joining to get in shape for a wedding & she offered me a GC to Old Navy - remember mama loves a deal & she loves free even more 🤪

I find this HILARIOUS because most of my friends dropped off after a few months & here I am 7 years later & not only am I here - this is my full time GIG 📲

I listened to Brendon Burchard speak yesterday and he kept referring to “Taking a Big Leap.” Trusting that voice that says even though you can be completely happy where you are there is this internal longing for more or different - and we may not even know what it means but he went on to say that when this feeling comes along “you don’t need to know your life’s purpose just your next bold move” and that our lives can have crucial moments in them called BIG LEAPS. 

It got me thinking - My BIG LEAP was leaving corporate America and digital advertising back in 2014 to teach pilates and barre.  I can’t explain it and I’m sure my coworkers thought I lost my damn mind.  I left a job I LOVED, with a flexible schedule I LOVED, with coworkers I LOVED that paid me an amount of money I LOVED because “I needed more.” 

Every drive to the commuter rail, ride to the city, walk to my building (an hour + expedition every day) I would think of what Em was doing at home and I’d check in all the damn time - wanting to hear every detail of her day and feeling in my gut that I wanted to be home SO BADLY.

When I signed up I was in the best shape of my life - I was teaching 9 fitness classes a week BUT still didn’t “FEEL” good because I was surviving off iced coffee, dare I say I missed adult interactions from my old job (that transition to SAHM can be TRICKY) and mentally I still wasn’t confident in my body (isn’t that such a trip?  I’m finally at the age where I look back to when I thought I was so fat and I’d KILL for that body now - I digress).

Pilates & Pinot.jpg

This routine although physically exhausting on my body - where my fitness instructors at? It’s a sore I never knew existed #AmIRight - I was mentally ON FIRE. I lit up every time I stepped in the studio. I felt confidence I NEVER have and I felt this desire to POUR into ladies.

Seven years later - the Beachbody community - the workouts, the meal plans, the B team - they have gotten me through infertility, two pregnancies, teaching at multiple studios, moving 2 times and things I can’t even remember…

The random invite I signed up for on a whim has become THE thing in my life that has given me the tools to ACTUALLY like myself, LOVE my life and be HAPPY, healthy & financially free. 

So with ALL of that I will ask YOU - what was your BIG LEAP?  Have you taken one? 

If you have that feeling of wanting MORE I have something that may or may not be for you BUT it could 100% be the vehicle to help you find out exactly what that is (WHILE paying your bills #Winning) and I am just an email, IG DM or PM on FB away XOXO