Let's Chat Self-Love!

If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be SO secure in the Self Love & Confidence departments that I would actually be walking WITH ladies through their own Confidence Climbs I would’ve laughed in your face.

People mistake LOUD for confident - and honestly it’s easier for the SUPER insecure, nervous chick to make people laugh so they don’t notice the extra lbs or that she’s SO uncomfortable in her own skin she wants to run home and hide under the covers.

I have worked SO freaking hard in these departments that I am PROUD AF that I can now say “Yup - I got you.  Let’s get to work”

IMO there are main reasons why Self Love is SO freaking important for everyone while we’re on this earth:

  1. Everyone Deserves to be HAPPY. We could find 100 reasons to complete the sentence “I’ll be happy when” insert “get that new job, once I’m in a relationship , I can go on vaca, get the promotion, move” etc. etc. The problem with all of those things ALTHOUGH all awesome - they’re EXTERNAL factors. External factors will NEVER, repeat NEVER provide TRUE Happiness. It’s a weird process BUT TRUE Happiness is a decision backed with DAILY “inner” work. We take the time to work our bodies if we want PHYSICAL results. Same is true for our Happiness. Also good to note “Comparison is the thief of joy” we’ve heard that 1,000 times BUT honestly - think about the people you have envied in the past - you have NO idea what goes on behind closed doors. Maybe the perfect family down the block is in family therapy, maybe they’re about to lose their house or get a divorce. We’re here comparing ourselves to an idea we created in our head OR an idea their social media led us to believe. HIGHLIGHT REEL…

  2. Thicker Skin. I think 2020 speaks for itself but when we work on our Self Love practice the way we handle life’s challenges CHANGES. We bounce back quicker, we bend a little easier (without breaking) - we REACT to stress differently. This also comes from personal development - or what I call “filling your own cup.” A growth mindset will allow you to embrace change, LEARN from bad days, forgive yourself for mistakes and GROW. A fixed mindset we’’ they do a lot of complaining and “what if’s” which in my experience doesn’t do anything beneficial except keep you down and bring those around you down too.

  3. Motivation. Going back to the fixed vs. growth. People think the GO GO GO Culture and wearing Busy as a badge of honor will make us keep up when in reality we turn that comparison INWARD and become complacent and have a “there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ll never have XYZ like that girl or celebrity etc.” When you are committed to climbing the confidence ladder you are internally motivated to work towards your goals. You WANT to treat your body good so you WANT to workout. You WANT to be happy so you read and listen to the types of things that remind you why you’re amazing and worth exactly as you are… daily doing the “fill your cup” kinda thing.

  4. Better Mental AND Physical Health. For the reasons in 3 you can imagine our physical health is better but did you also know studies have shown when we are more compassionate to ourselves we tend to have less levels of stress, anxiety and depression.

So I could talk about this stuff FOREVER BUT if you’re ready to let go of comparison, stop trying to impress others, become more self aware and just level up I would LOVE for you to join me in April for my  FOR THE Love of 40 Self Love Bootcamp!  Fill this FORM out and I’ll be in touch ASAP!