Remixing those Resolutions

Ok I’m going to say it.

I didn’t make any resolutions.

Want to know why…

because I’m not making 2018 the year of losing X amount of lbs, getting back in a size 2, or anything like that.  I am making 2018 the year that I fall back in love with being healthy.  I will ENJOY exercise, I will appreciate and learn how my body can move, stretch and bend WITHOUT breaking (hopefully? As I write this I’m thinking did I just jinx myself!? UGH).

Back on track…

Now I am not against New Years Resolutions because I FULLY support anything that gets people back to focusing on themselves and trying to better their health and wellness but I am 100%, no questions asked, against deprivation and the quick fix mentality this world is OBSESSED with.

Pills, DIETS (GOD do I hate that word), deprivation etc. will they get you results - most likely.  Are they sustainable?  Nope.  Will you end up in a worse state then when you started when you stop - probably


If you need help in ANY of these departments you’re not alone, AND don’t panic - I’m here to help!  And I come with a group of like-minded ladies who are in the trenches with you.  We're not here to compare plates - a full plate is a full plate - and as women we tend to put ourselves last on the list and I will say this - it is AMAZING to see what we can do when somebody believes in you and is doing this WITH you.

Truthfully I consider myself an accountability expert and I want to hear YOUR story - your struggles, your goals, etc. because once you commit to YOU, I commit RIGHT back to YOU.  We run at your pace and we work (YES, it’s work) to make sure every day you are making the decisions and aligning your actions WITH your goals.

And the best part of our groups - EVERYTHING is laid out for you and SO easy to follow; meal plans (which include REAL food) and calendar of workouts.  Pair that with a group of like minded people working towards the same goals and a little belief in yourself and MAGIC happens.

My current group kicked off January 2nd and their energy and determination are motivatingAF.

Are you thinking “ugh I missed my chance.  The New Year already started.”  STOP that.  It is NEVER too late - and to show you HOW MUCH I genuinely believe that I will be doing a 21 Day Resolution Remix group for anyone wanting to make 2018 the healthiest YET.

Questions, Comments, just want to chat - hit me up and let’s get to remixing!

Ready to throw FEAR a suck it sandwich and sign up here is a link to the group:

Answer the 3 questions once prompted and I will be in touch ASAP!